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Top 8 Apps Like 100jähr. Kalender+Bauernregeln for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like 100jähr. Kalender+Bauernregeln? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. 100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln alternatives are mostly weather Apps but may also be lifestyle Apps.

There are 8 apps similar to 100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Bauernkalender by swift-management-ag is the best alternative. Other 100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln like apps are Актировки.ру, MeteoDress: Weather, Azan Time Pro: Holy Quran, and iLuna. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln Alternative Apps

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Weather | First release: January 24, 2024

Die Bauernkalender bringt das Wetterwissen von Generationen auf Ihr Iphone.

Best Weather Apps Like 100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln

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The Weather Station - 8 components and sensors

Weather | First release: October 29, 2021

Imagine a complete weather tool, always with you, that you can consult at any time, wherever you are.

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Weather | First release: September 11, 2023

Информация об актированных днях (актировках) в Сургуте, Нефтеюганске, Нижневартовске, Нягани, Когалыме, Ханты-Мансийске, Лангепасе, Мегионе без рекламы и с уведомлениями.

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MeteoDress: Weather - Weather and what to wear

Weather | First release: June 26, 2021

The best weather application which shows what to wear at particular time in any place of the globe ESSENTIAL FOR THOSE WHO: …call friends to ask what the weather is like outside …are deceived by sunny but cold weather outside

Best Lifestyle Apps Like 100jähr. Kalender plusBauernregeln

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Azan Time Pro: Holy Quran - Sala, Qibla

Lifestyle | First release: April 01, 2022

The most popular and The most admired Adhan time application which is used by muslims from all over the world. The most accurate islamic application.

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Lifestyle | First release: December 06, 2020

iLuna is an interactive astrological calendar.

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Lifestyle | First release: March 28, 2023

Viltappen – ett måste för alla naturintresserade Viltappen ger dig vägledning i mötet med svenska vilda däggdjur och fåglar.

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Make Dice

Lifestyle | First release: May 29, 2021

You can make dice anywhere anytime on the iPhone & iPad. Where should we go? Who should it be? What do we eat? We all come across a situation where decisions are hard to make.

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Tarot of Marseille

Lifestyle | First release: December 06, 2021

With iTarot, control your future! Discover four drawing methods to learn everything in a few finger pressures: you are holding the cards of your future...