Top 19 Apps Like Advanced Language Therapy for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Advanced Language Therapy? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Advanced Language Therapy alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be education Apps.
There are 19 apps similar to Advanced Language Therapy available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Advanced Reading Therapy is the best alternative. Other Advanced Language Therapy like apps are Advanced Writing Therapy, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Advanced Comprehension Therapy, and Advanced Naming Therapy. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Advanced Language Therapy Alternative Apps
Advanced Reading Therapy - Paragraph-Level Comprehension
If your reading skills have been impacted by a stroke or brain injury, this app can help you improve. Practice reading with engaging exercises that include text and audio support.
Advanced Writing Therapy - Spelling for Adults w/ Aphasia
The fourth and final app in the Advanced Language Therapy series!
Advanced Trauma Life Support - ATLS Practice Test Questions
This app is a combination of sets, containing practice questions, study cards, terms & concepts for self-learning & exam preparation on the topic of ATLS Advanced trauma life support, which is a training program for medical providers in the management of acute trauma cases.
Advanced Comprehension Therapy - Sentence-Level Understanding
Train your brain to listen carefully with this professional speech therapy app. Three activities help you to understand sentences, follow directions, and improve language processing.
Advanced Naming Therapy - Aphasia & Cognition
Take your speech therapy to the next level! Practice word-finding skills for adults with aphasia after stroke with this evidence-based app.
Language Therapy 4-in-1 - Help for Aphasia after Stroke
Harness the power of a scientifically proven 4-in-1 speech therapy app that boosts reading, writing, speaking, and listening in people with aphasia.
Vision therapy: Exercices
OptoNew is an application for visual therapy This application is designed to be supervised by Opticians-Optometrists. 1.
Visual Attention Therapy - Assess & Treat Left Neglect
RETRAIN THE BRAIN to move the eyes correctly by scanning from left to right across the screen.
Dermatology (AIMapps)
A visual atlas of dermatology.
Best Medical Apps Like Advanced Language Therapy
ImpfPassDE ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die nach einem sicheren digitalen Impfpass suchen, sich jederzeit aktuelle und zuverlässige Impfempfehlungen wünschen und den Impfpass direkt mit Arztpraxen austauschen möchten.
Vetcalculators - The Veterinary Calculator
The Ultimate Veterinary Calculator App Vetcalculators is a Monthly Subscription. First Month is Free Vetcalculators is the number one Veterinary Calculator App for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and staff.
STIKO@rki - die neu gestaltete Impf-App für ÄrztInnen und Gesundheitsfachpersonal Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) entwickelt Impfempfehlungen für Deutschland, die auch Grundlage für die Schutzimpfungsrichtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses sind.
Best Education Apps Like Advanced Language Therapy
Stellarium PLUS - Mapa estelar - Realistic Night Sky
Stellarium Mobile is a planetarium app that shows exactly what you see when you look up at the stars.
AnkiMobile Flashcards - Smart & powerful flashcards
AnkiMobile is a mobile companion to Anki, a powerful, intelligent flashcard program that is free, multi-platform, and open-source.
Universal Zoom - All About Sizes and Distances
Universal Zoom empowers you with the ability to see the invisible! You can explore our world, from the smallest subatomic elements to the largest space formations.
Little Alchemy
Explore what you can create by mixing simple elements. Start with four basic items and use them to find dinosaurs, unicorns and spaceships!