Top 11 Apps Like Apteki.su - поиск лекарств for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Apteki.su - поиск лекарств? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Apteki.su alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.
There are 11 apps similar to Apteki.su available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. LekVapteke by archystudio is the best alternative. Other Apteki.su like apps are АптекаМос поиск лекарств by asoft-xxi-ooo, Мегаптека: поиск лекарств - Наличие в аптеках, цены онлайн, Лекарственные растения by jourist-verlags-gmbh, and Аптеки: доставка лекарств - Доставка препаратов, витаминов. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Apteki.su Alternative Apps

LekVapteke - поиск лекарств
Приложение «Лекваптеке» поможет Вам найти нужное в данный момент лекарство в аптеках Новосибирской, Кемеровской, Томской, Омской, Тюменской областей, Ханты-Мансийского АО республик Хакасия и Алтай, а также и Алтайского и Красноярского края.

АптекаМос поиск лекарств
Приложение АптекаМос поможет найти и купить лекарства в аптеках Москвы, Подмосковья и регионов.

Мегаптека: поиск лекарств - Наличие в аптеках, цены онлайн
Мобильное приложение «Megapteka.ru» — все аптеки города* у вас в кармане!

Лекарственные растения
В этой энциклопедии дана исчерпывающая информация о распространённых лекарственных растениях.

Аптеки: доставка лекарств - Доставка препаратов, витаминов
Заказывайте лекарства, витамины и БАД, товары для мам и детей, средства гигиены, лечебную косметику и зоотовары в приложении онлайн-аптеки ЕАПТЕКА.
Best Medical Apps Like Apteki.su

The Difficult Airway App
The Difficult Airway App (v.3.2) The Difficult Airway App™ is an essential tool for clinicians who manage emergency airways in any setting: the ED, ICU, in-patient unit or the many EMS practice environments.

ZeroPhobia - Fear of Flying - Evidence-based treatment
What is ZeroPhobia Fear of Flying? ZeroPhobia helps people to conquer their fear of flying.

Vargo Anesthesia Mega App
The Mega App is 16 medical apps bundled into 1 large app! It contains quick and detailed information in the care and management of the patient in the obstetric, pediatric, trauma, surgical, critical care, emergency, and anesthesia setting. The 16 apps included in this massive app are listed below: 1.
Best Health & Fitness Apps Like Apteki.su

Kenpo Teks - Kenpo Karate Pocket Companion
Kenpo Teks makes a perfect pocket companion for anyone who is studying Ed Parker's system of Kenpo Karate, or American Kenpo. This app contains the techniques needed to take you all the way to your black belt.

Strava: Laufen & Radfahren - Track & share with friends
Strava makes fitness tracking social. We house your entire active journey in one spot – and you get to share it with friends.

Gewichtskontrolle - BMI
Weight Tracker is now available for Apple Watch. Quickly enter weight and check stats from your wrist.

Alarm Clock Sleep Sounds Pro - Waking Up Cycle & Meditation
A life changing alarm clock! From Ipnos, the creators of Relax Melodies with over 45 million users.