Top 10 Apps Like CNC Events for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like CNC Events? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. CNC Events alternatives are mostly medical Apps.
There are 10 apps similar to CNC Events available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. iEvents S.I.C. is the best alternative. Other CNC Events like apps are EAACI Events, ESGO Gynae Oncology Events, ANMCO Events, and Medity Events. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
CNC Events Alternative Apps

iEvents S.I.C.
Aplicación para Eventos, Jornadas y Congresos respetuosos con el medio ambiente

EAACI Events
EAACI is an association of clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals, dedicated to improving the health of people affected by allergic diseases.

ESGO Gynae Oncology Events - Events organised by ESGO
ESGO Multi-Event App lists all the gynaecological oncology events organised by the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO).

ANMCO Events
Scopri ANMCO EVENTS, la nuova app che ti permette di partecipare attivamente agli eventi, dal vivo o direttamente da casa.

Medity Events - Healthcare meetings
Medity Events is the app that will allow you to experience your event to the fullest. Check the agenda, network with other attendees, participate in surveys and polls and don't miss anything that's going on.

MCM Events
Scopri MCM EVENTS, la nuova app che ti permette di partecipare attivamente agli eventi, dal vivo o direttamente da casa.
Best Medical Apps Like CNC Events

Bezplatná oficiálna aplikácia Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR, Ministerstva investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR, Národného centra zdravotníckych informácií a Úradu verejného zdravotníctva SR, ktorá ukladá certifikáty a pomáha s ich overovaním pri cestovaní alebo návšteve obchodov, služieb a iných zariadení.

Family Medical History
NOW INTEGRATED WITH FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY FOR MAC AND FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY FOR IPAD APPLICATIONS!!! Transfer your Family Medical History information between your Apple mobile and desktop devices.

Cardio Z
Instant Z-Scores For All The Paediatric Cardiology Parameters You Review Everyday.

Safe Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and natural way to provide nutritional, immunological and emotional contribution to the baby, as it provides all the nutrients and antibodies that will keep him healthy, not forgetting that will let you create a strong bond with the mother.