Top 7 Apps Like Himnario IDMJI for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Himnario IDMJI? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Himnario IDMJI alternatives are mostly reference Apps but may also be lifestyle Apps.
There are 7 apps similar to Himnario IDMJI available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Civile is the best alternative. Other Himnario IDMJI like apps are Wikipedia, Airports, Model Paint 42, and NAVLIGHTS for Boats. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Best Reference Apps Like Himnario IDMJI
Civile - Applicazione giuridica
In un’unica applicazione la Costituzione Italiana, il Codice Civile e il Codice di Procedura Civile e la possibilità di acquistare gli altri codici e le principali leggi italiane a portata di iPhone e iPad; un prontuario pratico e completo, sempre aggiornato, appositamente pensato per professionisti e studenti di giurisprudenza.
Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia
Explore your world, find a quick fact, or dive down a Wikipedia rabbit hole with the official Wikipedia app for iOS.
Airports - The Airport Directory
The airport directory for your flight bag, with NOTAM, SNOWTAM, METAR and TAF reports, Favorites, Tools, and the ability to save your own notes for those airports you visit frequently.
Best Lifestyle Apps Like Himnario IDMJI
Model Paint 42
A database of over 9500 paints from 29 manufacturers designed for modellers and artists.
Navigation lights are used to prevent collisions at night or in times of reduced visibility, and are essential tool in keeping you and your vessel safe.
Yi Jing - I Ching - The Book of Changes
Ancient oracle meets modern device!
iMyHome is a native solution to control the My Home BTicino and Legrand home automation system on iPhone/iPodTouch. Features : User interface with the same look and feel of the operating system.