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Top 13 Apps Like iTHUMP/Toxic+ for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like iTHUMP/Toxic+? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. ITHUMP/Toxic plus alternatives are mostly entertainment Apps.

There are 13 apps similar to ITHUMP/Toxic plus available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM is the best alternative. Other ITHUMP/Toxic plus like apps are The Ultimate Buzzer Pro, My Eurovision Scoreboard, Dezor kool : Movies & Tv Shows, and Ultimate Magic Photo. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

ITHUMP/Toxic plus Alternative Apps

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NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM

Entertainment | First release: September 24, 2024

[Warning] Please Read Before Purchasing No refunds (including exchanges for other products, services, etc.) are available after purchase, regardless of the reason.

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The Ultimate Buzzer Pro - More Sounds! More Fun‪!‬

Entertainment | First release: July 20, 2024

Have you ever wanted to have a soundboard full of fun and random sounds at your fingertips, drive your friends crazy, have a buzzer for game night, or use the built in flashlight using your devices camera flash (Device must have camera LED) to light your path.

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My Eurovision Scoreboard - The ultimate ESC rating app

Entertainment | First release: May 14, 2023

My Eurovision Scoreboard is the first App allowing you to rate your favorite Eurovision songs in a totally new and connected way.

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Dezor kool : Movies & Tv Shows - Ultimate Dizor Box Film & Show

Entertainment | First release: April 05, 2023

Dezor kool app help you discover Ultimate Movie and Tv Shows, also manage your movie collection and wishlist effortlessly with Dezor kool.

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Ultimate Magic Photo - Any card, any place, any time‪.‬

Entertainment | First release: September 19, 2021

Ultimate Photo Prediction is a magic app that gives the ability to reveal any card thanks to a picture taken at a specific place and at a specific date.

Best Entertainment Apps Like ITHUMP/Toxic plus

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Girls Slime Simulator Games

Entertainment Games | First release: July 03, 2020

Super fun and realistic Slime Simulator for Girls. Tons of new slimes every week, such as fluffy, cloud, clear, glitter, galaxy and a ton more!

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Geometry Dash

Entertainment Games | First release: September 09, 2019

Jump and fly your way through danger in this rhythm-based action platformer!

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½ Halfway - A gentle puzzler about reunion

Entertainment Games | First release: April 19, 2020

In a world dominated by black and white, two elements are seeking a path to reunite and restore the harmony.

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Doodle Jump - BE WARNED: Insanely Addictive‪!‬

Entertainment Games | First release: October 07, 2019

BE WARNED: Insanely addictive!

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