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Top 8 Apps Like Le BLED for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like Le BLED? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Le BLED alternatives are mostly reference Apps but may also be education Apps.

There are 8 apps similar to Le BLED available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. 5G EMF Detector is the best alternative. Other Le BLED like apps are SaNa Fischerprüfung & Lexikon, MyHeritage - Family tree, Nook Knack: ACNH Pricing, and Real Kana. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

Best Reference Apps Like Le BLED

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5G EMF Detector - Waves from Satellites in AR

Reference | First release: November 27, 2020

Discover the EMFs waves received from 5G satellites in real time. View in Augmented Reality the satellites availables to connect with your device and get the EMF radiation you may be receiving right now.

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SaNa Fischerprüfung & Lexikon

Reference | First release: September 11, 2021

◉ offizielles (Deutschsprachiges) Lernmittel für den SaNa-Ausweis und das Schweizer Sportfischer Brevet ◉ die perfekte Prüfungsvorbereitung für angehende Fischer ◉ umfassendes Nachschlagewerk mit nötigem Basiswissen und Lernzielen ◉ kompaktes Lernprogramm mit Erfolgskontrolle ◉ Lernmodus mit 150 Fragen in Detusch

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MyHeritage - Family tree - Genealogy, Ancestry & Origins

Reference | First release: March 03, 2021

Explore your roots, find new relatives, and make amazing discoveries with genealogical search tools and an intuitive family tree builder.

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Nook Knack: ACNH Pricing

Reference | First release: April 09, 2020

Unofficial Fish and Insect Price Guide for Animal Crossing New Horizons. Not sure which fish will sell for more bells? Just click or search for your fish to check quickly.

Best Education Apps Like Le BLED

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Real Kana - Learn Hiragana and Katakana

Education | First release: November 24, 2020

The iOS version of Real Kana, the popular website for learning hiragana and katakana. • keyboard, slideshow and swipe modes • repeat problem characters

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Moji - Imparare L'orologio

Education | First release: May 10, 2022

Moji - Imparare L'orologio Italiano - Impara a leggere l'orologio Moji Klockis è un gioco istruttivo che permette ai bambini di imparare a leggere l’orologio.

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SpaceStationAR - AR satellite finder

Education | First release: July 22, 2022

SpaceStationAR is an augmented reality (AR) application that simulates the visibility of satellites in the night sky.

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Multi Tables

Education | First release: September 12, 2021

All children (and their parents!) have been faced with the tedious task of learning multiplication tables. This application is designed to make the task easier.

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