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Top 8 Apps Like MedSwiss for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like MedSwiss? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. MedSwiss alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.

There are 8 apps similar to MedSwiss available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Hear My Baby Heartbeat App is the best alternative. Other MedSwiss like apps are iResuscitate, Vaccy: Vaccination Record, Magnifier with light+zoom, and SnoreClock - Do you snore?. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

Best Medical Apps Like MedSwiss

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Hear My Baby Heartbeat App - Record and share baby sounds

Medical | First release: October 07, 2019

Pregnant? This is for YOU! Hear My Baby is the leading app since 2018, allows you to use just your iPhone microphone to record and share your baby’s beat sounds.

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iResuscitate - Resuscitation timekeeper

Medical | First release: May 23, 2021

Are you a physician, a paramedic, a nurse, a student? Are you Team Leader of Emergency Unit or a member of the team? Are you going to manage cardiac arrest situations in or out the hospital? iResuscitate is the app you need.

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Vaccy: Vaccination Record - Vaccination Record for Today

Medical | First release: June 11, 2021

WHAT IS VACCY? With Vaccy you have found a Companion for everything to do with Vaccinations.

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Magnifier with light+zoom

Medical | First release: April 04, 2021

Having trouble reading the small print again? No problem! You can now have your personal pocket-sized magnifying glass for reading and viewing - handy and ready-to-use at all times!

Best Health & Fitness Apps Like MedSwiss

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SnoreClock - Do you snore? - Snore Recorder & Analyzer

Health & Fitness | First release: June 18, 2021

Check if you snore!

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I'm Done Drinking

Health & Fitness | First release: August 31, 2022

I’m Done Drinking Inspired by our 'I'm Done Smoking' App, this App was requested by many to track how many days and how much money you can save by not drinking.

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Fitness Test pro

Health & Fitness | First release: February 19, 2022

Fitness Test Pro is the ultimate tool for fitness testing. The app contains a number of the most widely used and valid fitness tests.

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Workout - Interval training with music

Health & Fitness | First release: March 24, 2022

Workout makes interval training a breeze.

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