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Top 9 Apps Like Metsihafe Seatat for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like Metsihafe Seatat? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Metsihafe Seatat alternatives are mostly books Apps.

There are 9 apps similar to Metsihafe Seatat available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Metsihafe Kidase is the best alternative. Other Metsihafe Seatat like apps are Maginary — immersive game book, A Text A Day, Un Texte Un Eros, and DEAD CITY. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

Metsihafe Seatat Alternative Apps

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Metsihafe Kidase

Books Book | First release: May 30, 2024

This Liturgy book app gives directions to ministers and people for conduct of the Holy Communion service. Sacred liturgy is the very heart of Ethiopian Orthodox worship.

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Maginary — immersive game book - A literally engaging story

Adventure Games | First release: May 22, 2021

Maginary is the unique fiction novel where your are one of the main characters. It connects our real world with the world of your imagination through the iPhone.

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A Text A Day

Books Book | First release: August 27, 2022

“A Text A Day”, enjoy literature day by day!

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Un Texte Un Eros

Books Book | First release: July 29, 2022

Parce que l'amour se décline et s'écrit sous mille et une formes, redécouvrez les chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature amoureuse et érotique sous une forme ludique et originale, en recevant chaque jour un extrait choisi et contextualisé.

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DEAD CITY - Text Adventure - Interactive story with zombies

Books Games | First release: May 27, 2021

DEAD CITY is an incredibly thrilling interactive chat story which cannot be told without your help. For Sam, you are the only contact outside of the evacuated area.

Best Books Apps Like Metsihafe Seatat

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Livres Audio HQ - French audiobooks

Books Book | First release: February 16, 2023

1325 free audiobooks in French.

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Skill Set: Beginning Knitting - Learn to knit in 9 lessons

Books Book | First release: October 23, 2021

Like having a knitting teacher in your pocket. 9 lessons, videos with slow-motion replay, full text with illustrations.

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Public Bookshelf - Public Bookshelf Map

Books Book | First release: November 12, 2022

Find a public bookshelf close to you! Take a book from the shelf you would like to read or place books in the shelf for others to read.

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Selichot (Sefaradi) – (סליחות (ע"מ

Books Book | First release: June 30, 2021

Now on your iPhone, all the Selichot prayers (according to the minhag Sefaradi), including also Tikun Chatsot, Hatarat Nedarim, and some laws regarding Selichot praying.