Top 17 Apps Like NP - Nachrichten und Podcast for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like NP - Nachrichten und Podcast? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. NP alternatives are mostly news Apps but may also be magazines & newspapers Apps.
There are 17 apps similar to NP available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. ntv Nachrichten is the best alternative. Other NP like apps are SZ Nachrichten, t by stroeer-digital-publishing-gmbh, Player FM — Podcast App, and Pocket Casts: Podcast Player. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
NP Alternative Apps

ntv Nachrichten
Die kostenlose App von ntv: Wir bieten seriöse, schnelle und kompetente Nachrichten in Text-, Video- und Audio-Formaten. Informieren Sie sich über aktuelle Themen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Börse und Sport.

SZ Nachrichten
Qualitätsjournalismus der Süddeutschen Zeitung für unterwegs. News, Hintergründe und mehr: Die App bietet Ihnen die Nachrichtenseite der SZ in einer praktischen App.

t-online Nachrichten
Mit der neuen t-online App sind Sie jederzeit schnell und umfassend informiert. Wir liefern Ihnen kostenlos Nachrichten aus Deutschland und der Welt, von Wuppertal bis Washington.

Player FM — Podcast App - Best Offline Podcast Player
PlayerFM is a top independent podcast player and podcast library, empowering listeners around the world to search, discover, save and listen to more than 20+ million free podcasts.

Pocket Casts: Podcast Player - Your favorite podcast player
Pocket Casts is the world's most powerful podcast platform, an app by listeners, for listeners. Our podcast player provides next-level listening, search and discovery tools.

Listen2.AI - Breaking US & World News
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed is more important than ever. However, the sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming.

StN News - Stuttgart & Region
Ihre Nachrichten im Taschenformat Die StN News-App ist kostenlos und ermöglicht Ihnen jederzeit Zugriff auf die Nachrichten von stuttgarter-nachrichten.de - kompakt in einer App.

Onda Regional
¡Ya puedes disfrutar de la nueva app de Onda Regional de Murcia!

sh:z HÖRBAR – regionale News
Endlich eine News-App, die Deine Sprache spricht! sh:z HÖRBAR ist die Audio-App von shz.de, dem Nachrichtenportal des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Zeitungsverlags.
Best News Apps Like NP

L’applicazione de L’Espresso ti permette in ogni momento di leggere e sfogliare sui tuoi device il settimanale in edicola, con una serie di funzionalità che ti faciliteranno la fruizione degli articoli.

95.5 Wsb
Listen live to Atlanta's news, weather and traffic station 24 hours a day. Also, get Eric Von Haessler on demand.

iFeltThat Earthquake
Did you just experience an earthquake? Find out how close and how big it was with iFeltThat, the most customizable worldwide earthquake app for the iPhone and iPod touch.

ABC News - The most trusted news source
The ABC NEWS app makes it easier for you to stay up to date with the latest news and information from Australia's most trusted news source.
Best Magazines & Newspapers Apps Like NP

Giallozafferano Magazine

Speechify - Audio Text Reader - Listen to the Web, Docs & PDFs
Text to speech from Speechify lets you listen to docs, articles, PDFs, email, and various other formats — anything you read. With 20M+ users, it is the top rated TTS app in the AppStore.

Polymarket: Election Forecast - Trust the markets, not polls
Will Donald Trump or Kamala Harris win the 2024 election? Polymarket lets you get your news from the future.

Peech: #1 Audio Text Reader - Listen to Web Articles & Docs
Peech turns any TEXT, PDF, or WEB ARTICLE into an AUDIOBOOK.