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Top 11 Apps Like Parkinson Oefeningen for iOS and Android

Looking for apps like Parkinson Oefeningen? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Parkinson Oefeningen alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be health & fitness Apps.

There are 11 apps similar to Parkinson Oefeningen available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Swallow Prompt: Saliva Control is the best alternative. Other Parkinson Oefeningen like apps are DAF Pro: Stuttering,Parkinsons, Parkinson Übungen, Basal Body Temperature Calculator, and MamasMitte. All of the best 2024 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.

Parkinson Oefeningen Alternative Apps

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Swallow Prompt: Saliva Control - Dysphagia, Parkinson's, stroke

Medical | First release: April 23, 2024

Swallow Prompt helps people who have difficulty in managing excess buildup of saliva.

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* The world's number 1 DAF app is used by thousands of people in over one hundred countries.

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Parkinson Übungen

Medical | First release: February 12, 2024

Diese App enthält Videoanweisungen und Übungshinweise für Menschen mit Parkinson-Krankheit und anderen Arten von Parkinson und ist als Ressource für tägliche Übungen und Ratschläge zum Umgang mit Bewegungsproblemen gedacht.

Best Medical Apps Like Parkinson Oefeningen

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Acupuncture Points Quiz

Medical | First release: May 27, 2021

"Acupuncture Points Quiz" is a quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of chinese traditional medicine and human anatomy.

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Altilium - Energy calculator

Medical | First release: May 24, 2021

Altilium is designed to calculate energy outputs from various thresholds so that hard-working cardiac physiologists can easily improve battery longevity of cardiac devices.

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ACLS Rhythm Quiz

Medical | First release: November 23, 2020

Anesoft 'ACLS Rhythm Quiz' is one of the series of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your ACLS resuscitation skills. This app will test your ability to identify electrocardiogram rhythms.

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Basal Body Temperature Calculator

Medical | First release: August 01, 2021

"Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Calculator" is a program that helps women in the writing, understanding and archiving (for future reference) of diagrams that illustrate the evolution over the time of their basal body temperature (measured near vaginal area upon waking, before getting out of bed).

Best Health & Fitness Apps Like Parkinson Oefeningen

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MamasMitte - Stark inifrån och ut

Health & Fitness | First release: October 12, 2023

Strong and stable mother — regardless of your children's age Welcome to a new and updated MammaMage, the popular app that has placed top three among the best-selling apps in Sweden for many years.

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Open Food Facts - Product Scan - Get the Nutri-Score & EcoScore

Health & Fitness Food & Drink | First release: November 23, 2020

News: We invented the collaborative scanning app in 2012. As we turn 10, we’re reinventing it from the ground up!

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Fitness Test pro

Health & Fitness | First release: February 19, 2022

Fitness Test Pro is the ultimate tool for fitness testing. The app contains a number of the most widely used and valid fitness tests.

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Army Survival Skills - Official Army Survival Manual

Health & Fitness | First release: November 09, 2021

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