Top 21 Apps Like Pediatric vital signs for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like Pediatric vital signs? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. Pediatric vital signs alternatives are mostly medical Apps but may also be reference Apps.
There are 21 apps similar to Pediatric vital signs available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Pediatric dosage calculator is the best alternative. Other Pediatric vital signs like apps are Pediatric scores, Pediatric Gas for Anesthesia, Smart Pediatric Endocrinology, and Pediatric Blood Pressure AAP. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
Pediatric vital signs Alternative Apps

Pediatric dosage calculator
With the pediatric dosage calculator you can easily and safely calculate the right amount of medication for a child.

Pediatric scores
This app displays and calculated common pediatric scores: - Apgar score - Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) - PEWS (paediatric early warning score)

Pediatric Gas for Anesthesia
This is an all-in-one pediatric tool.

Smart Pediatric Endocrinology
Smart Pediatric Endocrinology is a medical app that offers endocrinologists, health care professionals but also normal people a tool for gaining information about particular issues.

Pediatric Blood Pressure AAP - PAPed EN
This application was meticulously developed and programmed by Dr. Gerson Rodríguez, a pediatric specialist from the University of Norte, Colombia, and is based on the following guidelines: 1.

Pediatric AgeCalc
Pediatric Age Calc is a tool that parents and professionals can use to calculate the chronologic and adjusted age of children.

Vital Values
Paediatric Vital Values is a simple and quick reference to the normal physiological ranges in children of various ages for heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and GCS.

Watch Vitals - Record Vitals on your Watch.
As a First Responder, what's the first thing you do when you reach the patient? Take vitals, right? Many EMTs and paramedics either write down pulse, respiration, blood pressure and SPO2 on a piece of paper or more likely, on their glove.

evital pro
Çağdaş, kaliteli ve sağlıklı yaşamın öncüsü olma vizyonuyla toplum sağlığına katkıda bulunmayı önceliklendiren Eczacıbaşı Topluluğu’nun yeni kuruluşu Eczacıbaşı Evital’in temelini her insanın sağlıklı yaşam hakkı oluşturuyor.

PARAMEDIC: SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • Prehospital mnemonics, algorithms, guidelines. • Medications, examples of medicine, indications, indicative dose, side effects, contraindications.

Orthopedic Signs & Angles - All Orthopedic signs & angles
Orthopedic Measurements & Signs is an application for orthopedic doctors that contains all the measurements and angles used in orthopedic surgery, in addition to all the radiographic signs seen in orthopedic diseases, and a medical calculator for some medical indicators.

Normal Lab Values
Displays normal laboratory values to help medical professionals interpret test results. + Reference values shown in US and SI units.

RadRef - Normal Values in Diagnostic Imaging
Instantly access the normal range of more than 1000 frequent measurements in diagnostic imaging. Must-have app for every radiologist, student, physician or medical imaging professional!

Normal X-Rays and Real Cases - 2000+ X-Rays in Your Pocket
Perfect for medical students!
Best Medical Apps Like Pediatric vital signs

Recognise Back
Using Recognise™ has been shown to reduce pain, improve performance and assist with rehabilitation in a range of complex pain, and injury states, when used as part of a Graded Motor Imagery programme.

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LA COMMUNAUTÉ DES CITOYENS SAUVETEURS DES SAMU Application dédiée à l’urgence vitale entièrement GRATUITE (sans publicité et sans achats intégrés).
Best Reference Apps Like Pediatric vital signs

Wild Berries and Herbs 2 PRO - Field Guide
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to Wild Berries, Fruits and Herbs of Europe and North America, all in the palm of your hand! Finally, you have the option to identify species without the help of a heavy book.

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check out the myDuaa Trailer: search YouTube for "myDuaa" Join millions of Muslims from all around the world who benefit from the du'aas (supplications) in "Fortress of a Muslim" on a daily basis.

SkySafari 6 Plus - Astronomy Guide To Night Sky
SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control and Augmented Reality (AR) mode.

Ian's Laces - How to tie and lace shoes
HOW DO YOU LACE YOUR SHOES? Do you just use an "ordinary" lacing method? You may be surprised at what's possible! You have found, without a doubt, the most awesome collection of shoe lacing methods.