Top 10 Apps Like SEMERGEN App for iOS and Android
Looking for apps like SEMERGEN App? We have compiled a list of the top alternative apps for iOS and Android devices. SEMERGEN App alternatives are mostly medical Apps.
There are 10 apps similar to SEMERGEN App available for multiple platforms, including iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones. Paramedic Special Pops Review is the best alternative. Other SEMERGEN App like apps are Paramedic Academy: Flashcards, EKG, EMS Toolkit, Paramedic Assessment Review, Paramedic Trauma Review, and Paramedic Airway Review. All of the best 2025 alternative apps are listed below and regularly updated.
SEMERGEN App Alternative Apps

Paramedic Special Pops Review
Paramedic Special Populations Review is a vital companion for the paramedic student.

Paramedic Academy: Flashcards, EKG, EMS Toolkit
Paramedic Academy is a complete training guide for EMT-Paramedic level EMS personnel.

Paramedic Assessment Review
The most robust in our modular paramedic apps, Paramedic Assessment Review provides over 1,200 items including study cards, review questions, and practice exams.

Paramedic Trauma Review
Paramedics love trauma—and you’ll love Paramedic Trauma Review.

Paramedic Airway Review
With 600 items, Paramedic Airway Review is designed to be an excellent companion to the airway portion of your paramedic class—or as an in-depth review in preparation for the NREMT or your state examination.

Paramedic Review Plus
For those of you who want a more in-depth review as you get ready for the NREMT, the Limmer Creative Paramedic Review Plus app is the ultimate exam prep experience, with NREMT-style practice exams and topical reviews based on the major paramedic modules.
Best Medical Apps Like SEMERGEN App

Safe Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the most appropriate and natural way to provide nutritional, immunological and emotional contribution to the baby, as it provides all the nutrients and antibodies that will keep him healthy, not forgetting that will let you create a strong bond with the mother.

Muscle Premium - Musculoskeletal Reference
Muscles & Kinesiology is a detailed guide to understanding how muscles and bones interact and how common injuries and conditions occur.

HepCalc is a collection of liver related calculators, web links, resources, and editable web links and clinical notes.

STIKO@rki - die neu gestaltete Impf-App für ÄrztInnen und Gesundheitsfachpersonal Die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) entwickelt Impfempfehlungen für Deutschland, die auch Grundlage für die Schutzimpfungsrichtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses sind.