Arknights Versionsgeschichte


Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Arknights APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Oct 10, 2024 gesammelten 8-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Arknights erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 25.2.61

Update Note
-This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually. Please log in and bind your account to at least one third-party account before the update if you are currently using a guest account to play the game.

Arknights APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Arknights. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Arknights v25.2.61
Arknights v18.9.81
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v15.9.01
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v12.0.01
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v10.0.01
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v6.0.01
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v3.0.01
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v1.2.90
Update Note -This is a mandatory update, after which you should download and install the app again manually.
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Arknights v0.9.02
This is an unforced update. -Fixed Twitter and Facebook login issue that some users encountered -Fixed forced quit issue when entering Customer Service interface
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