Death Road to Canada Versionsgeschichte
Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Death Road to Canada APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Oct 27, 2022 gesammelten 10-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Death Road to Canada erkunden möchten.
- Inhaltsbewertung12+
- SprachenDeutsch (1) Alles sehen
- Erstveröffentlichung2017-03-22
Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 1.3.2
This is a truly large update! Here's a summary of changes, because otherwise we'd easily hit the character limit in these patch notes.
- Added new Halloween Event stuff!
- Greatly extended the time period the Halloween Event covers. Before it would only happen on Halloween itself, and now it will last from the launch of the update all the way up to Nov 1st!
- Big revamp to how your AI Followers value different weapon categories and tiers! Short version: They should no longer drop a Claymore for a Tennis Racket, ever
- Lots and lots of new character customization options, both base and unlockable
- New ZP upgrades to get!
- Series of ZP upgrades that let you buy from Tnomey multiple times in one game!
- 12 new zombie head types!
- Duffle bag added, which lets you access your Trunk in Trader Camps where you don't have a car, or in the new Indoor-Only trader camps
- New Rare Trading Camp: Final Hospital, featuring a really good hospital food cafeteria and the Golden Scalpel
- Cleaning Lady buffed
- New Rare Trading Camp: Mechanical Fortress
- Two new and powerful robot special characters, designed by Professor Sycamore!
- New Location: Graveyard, with two variations
- New Location: Public Park, with many variations and random bits
- New Character: Jack Hamm, the jackhammer expert
- New Fireworks vendor added to the general trader rotation! Sells 4 new fireworks types, all useful for distracting zombies, and then the KO BOOMER which is useful for blowing yourself up by mistake
- Jackhammers added
- Lots of tweak to the following old locations: Quiet Factory, factories in general, and all standalone houses and apartment locations including the starter locations
- Ultramop power nerf, but knockback and cleave buffs
- Debutante Umbrella power buff
- The best weapon, the Tire Iron, changed so the AI don't favor it as much
- Magazine chance removed from farm locations, as it would just glitch out anyway
- Farm tractors can now be looted for gas
- Mysterious Past + Martial Artist no longer gives points in shooting
- New characters added to OPP mode!
- You can now simply eat the bandits in the "Merciless Bandits" event
Death Road to Canada APK-Versionsverlauf
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