Hollywood Story: Fashion Star Versionsgeschichte


Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Hollywood Story: Fashion Star APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Apr 30, 2024 gesammelten 9-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Hollywood Story: Fashion Star erkunden möchten.

Mehr Informationen
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    Deutsch (10) Alles sehen
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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 12.0

A new update is available!

Exciting things are happening in Hollywood! This update introduces a bunch of new content – get ready to dive in!

New events
- Fan Gifts: Timeless Couture (available from 05/06/2024)
- Gold Pass: Fairytale Vogue (available from 05/06/2024)

Other additions include:
- new clothes
- game improvements and visual tweaks
- bug fixes

Thanks for playing!

Hollywood Story: Fashion Star APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Hollywood Story: Fashion Star. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v12.0
Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v11.12.5
A new update is available! Halloween’s upon us and we’re all treats, no tricks this year! To keep your spirits up, we’ve prepared an update so good, it’s scary...
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v11.9
A new update is available! Exciting things are happening in Hollywood! This update introduces a bunch of new content – get ready to dive in!
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v11.5.5
A new update is available!<br> <br> Can you hear the sleigh bells ringing? Santa
Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v11.1.5
A new update is available! Put your sunscreen on and take a stroll down city streets, or daydream about distant tropical beaches! Here
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v10.10.5
Exciting things are happening in Hollywood! This update introduces a bunch of new content
Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v10.5.6
A new update is available! Exciting things are happening in Hollywood! This update introduces a bunch of new content
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v10.3.2
A new update is available! Spring is about to arrive into Hollywood! Just like the ever-changing nature of the seasons, some of the most prominent Hollywood residents have decided to freshen up their looks.
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v9.11
A new update is available! - new stories - new clothes - game improvements and visual tweaks - bug fixes
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Hollywood Story: Fashion Star v9.3.1
A new update is available! - new stories - new clothes - game improvements and visual tweaks
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