King of Thieves Versionsgeschichte

ZeptoLab UK Limited

Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der King of Thieves APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Oct 3, 2024 gesammelten 9-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von King of Thieves erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 2.68.1

– Hier kommt der neueste Zuwachs zur Fallenliste – die Spinne!
– Du willst die Spinne so schnell wie möglich benutzen? Schau dir das Luxuriöses Verlies-Angebot an!
– Neue Verkleidungen und Türsticker
– Wichtige Bugs behoben

King of Thieves APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für King of Thieves. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

King of Thieves v2.68.1
King of Thieves v2.63
NEW UPDATE - The Winter Festival is upon us! Spread the joy and celebration with special Winter Cards! - Tired of moving dungeons? The Golden Totem is here to help you out!
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King of Thieves v2.60.1
NEW UPDATE - 1. Want to feel the summer vibes? Check out the new amazing costumes!
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King of Thieves v2.58
NEW UPDATE 1. King of Thieves is 8 years old! Celebrate the Anniversary of Love with 8 new Valentine's Day cards delivered by none other than Cupid!
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King of Thieves v2.55.1
NEW UPDATE: 1. 8 brand-new spells in the Ancient Totem - Master Miner - Increase the rating of mine gems! Potion Thief - Recover any used trap disabling potions!
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King of Thieves v2.52
Here are the notes about our latest technical update: - Released a new anti-cheat version to make the experience in the dungeons even better.
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King of Thieves v2.48.1
The Color Festival is around the corner! The event will be launched for the first time this weekend. Stay tuned on our social media!
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King of Thieves v2.46.1
NEW EVENT! THE MYSTIC REALM! Team up with Roopa and help him collect samples for his potions in the depths of the Mystic Realm.
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King of Thieves v2.43
This update includes multiple improvements and bug fixes: EVENTS IMPROVED Your progression is much clearer. - The UI has been improved for the Catacombs, Living Totem and Joe's game.
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King of Thieves v2.36.1
Want to stand out from the other Kings? Use these stickers to express yourself! STICKERS - We've added more than 50 stickers to stick on doors - Leave messages for your rivals! They will see them before the attack
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