Kings Legion Versionsgeschichte


Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Kings Legion APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Mar 15, 2023 gesammelten 6-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Kings Legion erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 1.2.326

It's springtime. We would like to give you a seed of hope and a small shovel, so that you may plant a tree of joy and blossom with happiness this spring! We have a variety of events for you in these hopeful days!
- Spring Blossoms: Complete quests to claim massive rewards.
- Birds and Flowers: Complete daily quests to collect.
- Melody of Life: Collect festive items to redeem for generous rewards and limited Chat Bubbles.
- Supreme Power: Upgrade your power to be outstanding among Monarchs and win limited Castle Skin.
- Attraction of Spring: Upgrade the chest level with your alliance members to earn rewards.

We have also fixed a few bugs and optimized some of the UI.

Kings Legion APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Kings Legion. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Kings Legion v1.2.326
Kings Legion v1.2.323
Happy Lunar New Year! We wish you peace, joy and happiness in the coming year. To celebrate the arrival of the Spring, we have prepared a variety of events for you.
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Kings Legion v1.2.316
Bug fixes and performance improvements
Kings Legion v1.2.293
1. "Unparalleled Speedy General" L
Kings Legion v1.2.235
1. "Chat" interface will be newly launched soon. Monarchs can chat with your friends while commanding the troops, cooperating and conquering the world.
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Kings Legion v1.2.151
1. Added formation sharing.
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