Little Alchemy 2 Versionsgeschichte

Jakub Koziol

Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Little Alchemy 2 APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Jan 23, 2024 gesammelten 10-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Little Alchemy 2 erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 1.6.0

In this update we added an option to delete your account if you wish to, improved privacy choices around ads and updated a bunch of inner bits and pieces so the game keeps working on new devices and OS versions.

Little Alchemy 2 APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Little Alchemy 2. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Little Alchemy 2 v1.6.0
Little Alchemy 2 v1.5.4
Fixed issues introduced by iOS 17
Little Alchemy 2 v1.5.3
Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Little Alchemy 2 v1.4.8
Updates to the in-app payments system.<br> Minor bug fixes.
Little Alchemy 2 v1.4.0
Fixed issues preventing some users from signing in.
Little Alchemy 2 v1.3.3
Included an option to log in using an Apple ID. Fixed a bug that in some rare cases was causing the premium content to appear as unavailable.
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Little Alchemy 2 v1.2.7
Fixed more issues causing the items in the library to completely disappear. There may be a few more, rare cases of this happening but we're doing our best to track them down!
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Little Alchemy 2 v1.2.3
*** Fixed the bug causing crashes when mixing items*** Sorry for the inconvenience. After the latest update a few bugs required extra attention.
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Little Alchemy 2 v1.2.0
New items! Improved tutorials. Streamlined library - removed some obscure combinations and made some items easier to find.
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Little Alchemy 2 v1.1.6
Fixed a bug that in some cases would prevent the 'Myths and Monsters' content pack progress from being synced properly. Fixed some bugs who used to force scrollable areas live in the past.
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