Siralim Ultimate Versionsgeschichte

Thylacine Studios

Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Siralim Ultimate APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Jul 28, 2022 gesammelten 1-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Siralim Ultimate erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 1.1.1

- 8 specializations have been added to the game: Toxicologist, Engineer, Shadowbringer, Demonologist, Mime, Graveborn, Gladiator, and Brewmaster. You can unlock them via new projects.
- 2 Challenge Specializations have been added to the game: Pariah and Deprived. Instead of providing you with bonuses, these specializations make you significantly weaker. However, if you're able to Ascend them, you'll earn a special reward. These specializations' projects are only available after you unlock the Gate of the Gods.
- Additional content related to the new specializations has been added: 120 achievements, 30 costumes, 10 skins, new anointments, and more.
- 10 spells have been added to the game. These were added to extend support for under-utilized debuffs such as Poison and Cursed.
- 11 minions have been added to the game. Many of these work much differently than normal minions (and most are exclusive to the new Demonologist specialization), so check out the Codex for more information.
- Each week, a new buff will activate that either increases your Card Drop Rate, Skin Drop Rate, Nether Stone Drop Rate, or Bonus Loot. You can see which buff is active by interacting with the new Calendar decoration in your castle (found in the Utilities/NPC category).
- You can now choose to consume 1, 2, or 3 tickets at the Gambling Dwarves. This multiplies your rewards by the number of tickets spent and also counts as playing that many times for the sake of Prophecies and Achievements.
- The following new macro conditions have been added to the Macro Editor: Resurrection Count, Death Count, Is Not At Top of Timeline, Is Not At Bottom of Timeline, Has Trait, and Doesn't Have Trait. Note for those last two: prior to this patch, many traits were not recorded in your Codex (False Gods, God Battles, etc), so you'll need to encounter these traits in battles before seeing them appear on the list.
- You can sort Nether Stones by Locked and Unlocked in all interfaces.
- You can now rename your Nether Stones at the Blacksmith using the new "Etch" function.
- Most Arsenal and Booze spells have been changed/buffed to be more useful.
- Most Exotic creatures' traits and backer traits are now more powerful.
- The Lister and Jotun fights no longer use battle fatigue as their metric for victory and are instead based on the number of turns creatures have taken in battle (24 total turns for Lister, 36 total turns for Jotun). The intent of this change is to shorten these fights under normal circumstances, make them a bit more predictable, and prevent players from feeling like they need to fish for certain realm properties to defeat Jotun in a reasonable amount of time.
- None of the False Gods are immune to Blighted anymore, and False God self-healing from their innate traits no longer counts as healing effects.
- Cabalist's "Flow of Magic" perk has been revamped because it was simply an inferior version of this specialization's "Prism" perk.
- Enemies can no longer spawn with the "Saving Grace" spell. Note that they can still acquire this spell in battle through other effects.
- Numbers greater than or equal to 1 quadrillion are now expressed using scientific notation. This means that all numbers can now be displayed, so the game won't default to "?!?!" if you reach too high of a number.
- Massive optimizations to make the game run smoother, especially in battles that drag on for a long time.

- Tons of bug fixes.

Siralim Ultimate APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Siralim Ultimate. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Siralim Ultimate v1.1.1

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