Soccer Stars™ Versionsgeschichte

Tauchen Sie ein in das umfangreiche Archiv der Soccer Stars™ APK-Versionen mit detaillierten Hinweisen und Kompatibilitätsinformationen für jede der seit Sep 4, 2024 gesammelten 9-Versionsverläufe. Diese Seite ist Fans gewidmet, die die Entwicklung von Soccer Stars™ erkunden möchten.

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Was ist neu in der neuesten Version 36.1.1

* Die Flashback Roman Season beginnt am 14. August 2024 – spiele auf jeder Ebene und sammle Saisonpunkte, um jede Menge Belohnungen freizuschalten
– Kaufe den Galaxy Pass, um mit exklusiven Teams und Belohnungen noch mehr aus der Flashback Season zu holen
– Exklusiv im Galaxy Pass: neue „Flugbahn“-Belohnung! Verpasse deiner Mannschaft eine neue tolle Flugbahn und zeig allen, wer der Boss ist!

Soccer Stars™ APK-Versionsverlauf

Unten finden Sie eine Liste der APK-Dateiversionen für Soccer Stars™. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Download-Links für jede Version möglicherweise nicht verfügbar sind oder nur nach Genehmigung des Entwicklers zugänglich sind.

Soccer Stars™ v36.1.1
Soccer Stars™ v35.3.1
* Introducing Christmas Season, arriving 1 Dec 2023 - Collect season points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Christmas Season to the next level for super exclusive teams and rewards - New “Trail” reward exclusive to Galaxy Pass!
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Soccer Stars™ v35.2.1
* Introducing Royal Cup Season, arriving 19 May 2023 - Collect season points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Royal Cup Season to the next level for super exclusive rewards and teams
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Soccer Stars™ v35.1.1
* Introducing Royal Cup Season, arriving 18 December 2022 - Collect soccer points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Royal Cup Season to the next level for super exclusive rewards * Get a new exclusive avatar by owning the country team that wins the World Championship * Collect boots from Royal Cup season, seasonal events and new Royal Arena to make your team look better and receive a new team
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Soccer Stars™ v34.0.1
* Introducing Fall Season, arriving 2 September 2022 - Collect soccer points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Fall Season to the next level for super exclusive rewards
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Soccer Stars™ v32.1.1
* Introducing Dragon Season, arriving 15 April 2022 - Collect soccer points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Dragon Season to the next level for super exclusive rewards
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Soccer Stars™ v31.0.1
* Introducing Halloween Season, arriving 15 October 2021 - Collect season points playing in any tier to unlock rewards galore - Buy the Galaxy Pass to take Halloween Season to the next level for super exclusive rewards and teams
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Soccer Stars™ v5.2.1
Galaxy Pass arrives! Unlock exclusive prizes as you progress through the ranks ;) Can you complete the Season? Your favourite Soccer game is changing! Let us know what you think of it.
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Soccer Stars™ v5.0.1
Galaxy Pass arrives! Unlock exclusive prizes as you progress through the ranks ;) Can you complete the Season? Your favourite Soccer game is changing! Let us know what you think of it.
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Soccer Stars™ v4.4.4
- Shop performance improvements.<br> - Overall improved stability

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