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King's Choice App Discussion Forum

Welcome to the ultimate King's Choice App Discussion Forum on WorldsApps! This is your go-to space to share tips, ask questions, and connect with other players in the medieval royal court RPG game. Dive into discussions, discover new strategies, and have fun exploring the world of King's Choice!

Forum Rules

1. Keep all content focused on King's Choice and its community.
2. Only YouTube links are allowed; all other irrelevant content is prohibited.
3. Focus discussions on tips for playing King's Choice on iOS and Android!

General Discussion

Got something to share? Type your post below and get the conversation started!

Connected as Marco53 (Change Username)
  • Gaston30
    08/09/24 02:04

    is game play on both android and ios possible

  • Nadine62
    25/08/23 05:46

    В чём причина не ставятся коды

  • Miyako65
    04/07/23 02:23

    Hallo, seit knapp 2 Monaten bin ich bei Kings Choice und habe jede Menge Spass, das Königreich zu bauen. Am Ball können die Liebhaber Komplimente und Beleidigungen verschenken. Meine Allianzführerin fordert aber dazu auf, NUR wohlwollend zueinander zu sein, da wir oder ich als Einzelspieler auf eine "schwarze" Liste kämen. Wo stehen denn die Regeln geschrieben, wo das geschrieben steht? Darf ich denn allgemein nur wollwollend sein? Bspw. bei den unbekannten Gewässern darf geplündert werden, oder ist das ebenfalls unsozial?

    Wo sind denn die genauen Serverregeln ersichtlich?

    Danke für die Antwort

  • Ayumi35
    22/06/23 06:38

    Hi I would like to ask if anyone would be interested to buy account with King title at servers +600?

  • Gordon54
    15/02/23 10:52

    Does anyone know if you can play the game on multiple devices with the same character? (Android)

  • Danny83
    15/06/23 03:41

    Да, можно. Привяжите свой аккаунт к почте. Так вы сможете без проблем заходить с разных устройств.

  • Beryl43
    30/01/23 08:46

    How can I get Lunar Blessing and Value Packs 199 for free in King's Choice?

  • Franklin68
    19/12/22 03:08

    If someone had been offline for over 7 days, there is a Christmas special for people who return to the game, amazing rewards! Next to adds there is a purple bag that you can click on and bind an account. This is my code: S8EDJAPFV

  • Arlene91
    12/11/22 02:16

    Is there a way to change the genders of the characters in the storyline? Or is this option only for lovers?

  • Katrina75
    07/08/22 03:11

    Hi, one of my friend forgot to link his account with email and he changed phone. I would like to know if someone know how to contact the king choice game moderator for having fast answer. We contacted them and send them message since now 4 days and no answer. It

  • Valerie77
    07/08/22 09:50

    This is my joining code, really fun game with lots to do with a little bit of drama

  • Dean43
    30/07/22 12:21

    Bonjour, comment obtient on un privil

  • Kaori32
    16/07/22 06:33


  • Oscar28
    12/07/22 01:18

    Comment fait on pour reproduire nos animaux ? Car j'ai mis le mien en

  • Dennis87
    10/07/22 05:07

    Husky pour Echiquier/ Epagneul Breton pour plus de points sur dragon island/ Labrador plus de points au bal si critique/ Berger Allemand pour n

  • Dennis87
    10/07/22 05:00

    C'est le Main Coon qui procure plus d'attaques pour la Beaut

  • Omar86
    26/06/22 12:28

    Quelqu'un aurait le guide des animaux en fran

  • Sam63
    26/06/22 08:34


  • Arlene79
    17/06/22 12:51

    Bonjour est ce que quelqu

  • Omar86
    26/06/22 12:23

    Maintenant le bl

  • Vince47
    15/06/22 01:12

    C6E5RKI5H Please (: join my banquet!!

  • Vince47
    15/06/22 01:12

    C6E5RKI5H Join my banquet!!

  • Larry61
    04/06/22 02:37

    Comment consommer des c

  • Erin93
    25/04/22 05:09

    Pouvez vous me dire

  • Larry61
    04/06/22 02:39

    La viande te permet de prendre des places sur les trois dragon en bas, y en a un pour gagner des sous d'alliance, un pour le prestige et le troisi

  • Lili85
    23/04/22 11:48

    Bonjour, aucun code ne fonctionne.

  • Bertha17
    17/03/22 02:40

    Any possibility to report another user? Its not tolerable to play with a user named ADOLF HITLER. Otherwise I will change server.

  • Etsuko52
    11/05/22 02:54

    Easy, press on his icon in Kingdom chat when he said something and press report, add a small note and use the button illegal nickname. It will be changed eventually. Or go to the chat where you see My Lord do you need help? That is the support line right there! Good luck getting rid of him

  • Michelle12
    16/03/22 03:08


  • Earl31
    27/02/22 11:47

    A quoi servent les c

  • Olga71
    26/03/22 02:35

    Elles servent

  • Paula31
    21/05/22 11:22

    On peut les vendre ??

  • Youko16
    17/02/22 10:49

    W jaki spos

  • Fabian85
    16/01/22 03:54

    Server's change

  • Gustav10
    14/01/22 10:42

    Co to jest dawna budowa i jak zwi?kszy? w niej punkty?

  • Grace92
    26/01/22 07:38

    w sojuszu musisz sk?ada? datki na budow?

  • Gabielle71
    01/01/22 11:20

    Mam tytul "starszy wladca poz1". Jak moge zdobyc nastepny tytul "nieustraszony baron" itd.? Dziekuje za wszelkie info

  • Grace92
    26/01/22 07:37

    je?li chcesz mie? tytu? barona musisz zaj?? pierwsze miejsce w wydarzeniu rankingu. Co sko?czy si? jedno zaczyna si? drugie, ale tylko pierwsze miejsca maj? tytu?y.

  • Valerie19
    04/12/21 04:01

    Nombre d elite possible

  • Charley90
    11/10/21 09:50

    Jak wykorzysta? np. Edykt przyw

  • Charley87
    09/11/21 10:59

    Wybierasz rycerza. Klikasz w talenty. Kliknij w kt

  • Grace92
    26/01/22 07:39

    dlatego, ze kazdy edykt ma procentowa szanse na powodzenie. Im wiecej gwiazdek w talencie tym mniejsza szansa ze edykt zadziala

  • Isidore79
    16/08/21 05:11

    Bonjour, je viens de commencer le jeu et je dois organiser un banquet. Comment fait-on? Merci merci !!!

  • Hitomi18
    01/08/21 09:47

    As far as I can tell, the option to insult at the ball is the best move over compliment. You stand to gain more and risk less. Compliment on the other hand, makes you risk more for less potential gain.

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Frequently Asked Questions About King's Choice

How can I get help from the creators of King's Choice?

You can contact the creators of King's Choice directly through their official support page. Visit King's Choice Support for assistance.

How do I cancel my King's Choice subscription or delete my account?

To cancel your subscription or delete your account, visit the King's Choice Cancel & Delete page for detailed instructions.

Is King's Choice Free to Play?

Yes, the app is free, but it may include optional in-app purchases for upgrades.

Thanks for being part of our awesome King's Choice community! 🙏😊