20 minutes - Actualités

Published by streamboat on Feb 12, 2019
20 minutes - Actualités icon

Genre: News

Ratings: 4.34

Version: 24.8.5

Updated: Aug 08, 2024

Downloads: 220

20 minutes - Actualités is a news app developed by Minuten. The last update, v24.80, released on August 08, 2024, and it’s rated 4.34 out of 5 based on the latest 58 reviews. 20 minutes - Actualités is FREE and requires iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer to download.

Video: 20 minutes Overview


Suis en direct les news de l’actualité suisse et internationale. L’app 20 minutes te propose des infos gratuites en direct (rubriques Suisse, Suisse romande, Monde, Sports etc.).
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How to Use 20 minutes on Your PC or Mac

Want to enjoy 20 minutes - Actualités on your desktop? Download the latest APK (24.80, 228 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ Finally!
Finally one can download the latest news to read them online! Great idea and a quick free app!
★★★★★ Student
I agree just because we are in America doesn't mean other languages aren't interesting. Great app i'm learning french and this is helping.
★★★★★ Mille Merci
C'est trop difficule de trouver qqch en francais. Je regarde TF1 par Podcast aussi. Faîtes encore plus SVP!
★★★★★ A fun and interesting way to help with learning French
Good practice, interesting content, and it's Free. What's not to love?
★★★★☆ French Speaking part of Switzerland
Just to make things straight, the application concerns a free Swiss newspaper called "20 Minutes which exists in French and German (yes, in Switzerland we speak many languages... hence the need to have different versions). I usually pick it up in the mornings but it will be nice to have an electronic copy which fits in my pocket!
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