5x5 Shogi (MiniShogi) K55 is a board strategy game developed by Yoshikazu Kakinoki. The last update, v3.00, released on September 26, 2015, and it’s rated 5.00 out of 5 based on the latest 1 reviews. 5x5 Shogi (MiniShogi) K55 costs $2.99 and requires iOS 6.0+ and Android 5 or newer to download.
5x5 Shogi (MiniShogi) is a variant of Shogi (Japanese chess). Compact and speedy chess like game. A player can use (drop) captured pieces.
How to Play 5x5 Shogi (MiniShogi) K55 on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy 5x5 Shogi (MiniShogi) K55 on your desktop? Download the latest APK (3.00, 4 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
It needs to be upgraded to full shogi. Full shogi is 9 by 9 and this is only 5 by 5. It is also missing some pieces. Real shogi also includes 9 pawns two lances and two knights(different than chess.) this app will have my full approval if it upgrades. Very glad that someone decided to make shogi though.
Fun, quick game
If you can, can you pleasssee upgrade this to 9x9 shogi, it would be greatly appreciated if you upgraded in the next version of this game, i'm dying for it because this is the only shogi game on itunes!!!!! But it is a great app though...
★★★★★At last!!
When this came out I emailed the author and he said that he was working on a full shogi game. I hope it's soon cause I'm getting impatient.
★★★☆☆This made me mad
I really enjoyed playing this game. I played it often but then all of a sudden it stopped working. When I move a piece it sends me back to the home screen. Help!