Alien: Blackout

Published by D3Publisher of America, Inc. on Jan 24, 2019
Alien: Blackout icon

Genre: Action

Ratings: 4.41

Version: 2.0.0

Updated: Mar 21, 2019

Downloads: 1,134

Alien: Blackout is an action strategy game developed by DPA. The last update, v2.00, released on March 21, 2019, and it’s rated 4.41 out of 5 based on the latest 1.2K reviews. Alien: Blackout is FREE and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.

Space Survival Horror

Alien: Blackout Gameplay Overview


The terror of Alien is brought to life in Alien: Blackout. Try to stay alive while trapped aboard a crippled Weyland-Yutani space station carrying a deadly Xenomorph as it tirelessly hunts you and the crew.
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How to Play Alien: Blackout on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Alien: Blackout on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.00, 554 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 2.0.0
Version: 1.0.4

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★★ This game is awesome !!!!!!
I love the characters and Amanda’s voice creative names and the xenomorths AI.
★★★★★ This game is good also make a new alien game…
So this game is good… but you should make a mobile game like so basically you have an alien in like this chamber and you like evolve it almost like you train it… so like basically you can make it so that the food is like test subjects and stuff. It’s just an idea it would be a cool game to see
★★★★★ Skeptical initially, won me over in the end
Is this the alien isolation sequel we wanted? Not really, let’s be honest about that. But ignoring that what we have here is a console game on the iOS. Think FNAF but actually with more depth and meat to it. Honestly if you’re an alien fan you really should play this. Plus: NO MICROTRANSACTIONS!!! Thank you devs for making a quality title.
★★★★★ Awesome!
If you’re a big Alien fan this is going to be awesome for you. But even if you’re not this game still rocks. Graphics are good and make the Alien look so creepy. Really interesting and fun concept yet it’s not an outlandish idea. Guiding the characters through the space ship with motion detectors makes sense and fits into the whole theme.
★★★★☆ Awesome game but can have some more modes
I love the game the graphics are awesome great storyline what I think you can add is a seek mode in that mode you are the xenomorph running around and going in the ducts and the crew and riply as a ai and a invincible mode where you can go to Amanda view but the xenomorph can’t get you I will like i few more different types of xenomorphs and last but not least absolutely NO JUMPSCARES I just get really scared of jumpscares I hope you get this review and respond and update the game
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