AliExpress - Shopping App is your ultimate online shopping companion, brought to you by Alibaba. With an impressive 4.68-star rating from over 395.5K reviews, it's clear that this free-to-download app is a hit among users. Available for iOS 12.0+ and Android 11+, and just 128 MB in size, it offers a seamless shopping experience with exclusive offers and global shipping. If you're looking for a diverse selection of products with effortless checkout, download AliExpress today!
Shop Smart, Save Big with AliExpress!
Video: AliExpress Overview
Welcome to AliExpress—your premier online shopping destination! Explore millions of items right at your fingertips using the AliExpress shopping app.
Want to enjoy AliExpress - Shopping App on your desktop? Download the latest APK (8.11, 128 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★I love it
I love it specially kids iteams and i always had wonderful customer service experience with them as they always protect buyer
★★★★★Muy satisfecho con el producto y el tiempo de entrega
Recomendado 100 %
★★★★★Great app
I love shopping in Aliexpress! As long as you don’t try to buy any kind of computer storage. Just remember if it seems to be good to be true…it is. Trying to get a refund back is sometimes next to impossible. It can be done though. Outside of that I buy lots of Arduino stuff and 3d printing stuff and it has all been really great quality. Also a good tip…try to only use Plus,Silver or gold rated shops and you should not have any issues.
At first it looks shady but everything is real and amazing I love it and buy a lot from here I’ve bought so much stuff here it’s crazy. It does take a while to ship but I don’t care cause I get everything I want. I mostly hit lip products here cause my gosh they have amazing lip glosses and lip tints!! The lip products don’t damage my lips at all so it’s all good and I love my tints so much 😍