Alto's Adventure Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Alto's Adventure APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Aug 1, 2022. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Alto's Adventure.

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What's New in the Latest Version 1.7.0

We've updated Alto's Adventure to introduce a handful of quality of life improvements and to better support a number of recently released devices, including:

• Improved ProMotion support for iPhone 12, 13 Pro/Pro Max and iPad Pro devices.
• Native resolution support for 2021 iPad Mini.
• Improved Zen Mode swipe input detection.
• Texture compression improvements for iOS 12.5.5 devices.
• General usability and performance improvements.

Alto's Adventure APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Alto's Adventure. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Alto's Adventure v1.7.0
Alto's Adventure v1.6.5
Hello Adventurers! With the release of iOS 14 we’re bringing a few improvements to Alto’s Adventure to make your journey through the mountains a smooth one.
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Alto's Adventure v1.6.3
We've updated Alto's Adventure to continue to work great on the latest versions of iOS and the newest devices.
Alto's Adventure v1.6.2
Even with the recent release of Alto's Odyssey, we wanted to make sure players are having the best Alto's Adventure experience possible.
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Alto's Adventure v1.6.1
In optimizing for iPhone X, we accidentally caused menus to disappear across a range of older devices. This update fixes that. Invisible menus no more!
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Alto's Adventure v1.6
Alto is iPhone X-ready. We've tailored the game to fit the new edge-to-edge display, allowing you to see more of the mountain than ever.
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Alto's Adventure v1.5.1
Introducing The Gift Shop. Located right next to the workshop, this screen allows you to order a selection of fine, handcrafted goods, delivered right to your home!
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Alto's Adventure v1.5
Introducing The Gift Shop. Located right next to the workshop, this screen allows you to order a selection of fine, handcrafted goods, delivered right to your home!
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Alto's Adventure v1.4.2
• Minor tweaks
Alto's Adventure v1.4.1
• Experience the mountainside like never before! Alto’s Adventure now supports Haptic Feedback for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Alto's Adventure forum.