Animatix - Photo Animation is a photo & video app developed by Code Organa. The last update, v1.60, released on September 17, 2024, and it’s rated 4.67 out of 5 based on the latest 863 reviews. Animatix - Photo Animation costs $3.99 and requires iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer to download.
Set your photos in motion
Video: Animatix Overview
Set your photos in motion. Animatix turns your photos into captivating animations and cartoons.
Want to enjoy Animatix - Photo Animation on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.60, 31 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★☆Interesting but-
I like it, but I wish there was a feature where you could erase spots that you didn’t want to have animation. That would be cool
★★★★☆Super Simple
Super easy to use and very simple. There are 11 static filter options and 24 dynamic motion filters that add variations of waves and ripples. The tempo and frequency can be altered for the dynamic motion effects, but the static ones can’t be altered at all. I wish I could change the intensity of the static filters. You must give permission to camera roll to use the app.
★★★★★Absolutely love this app
I love how you can select an image and bring it to life, then it offers choices to save as:
Yet I am trying to figure out how to save it as a duplicate instead of changing the original image 😬
★★★★★Always Surprises Me
This easy access app to add nuance to ANY static image SPEAKS FOR ITSELF !
★★☆☆☆Not too impressed
I really was hoping for better action. It’s pretty ho hum actually