Aralon: Forge and Flame

Published by Crescent Moon Games LLC on Dec 03, 2015
Aralon: Forge and Flame icon

Genre: Role Playing

Ratings: 3.64

Version: 2.0

Updated: Dec 07, 2016

Downloads: 308

Aralon: Forge and Flame is a role playing entertainment game developed by Crescent Moon Games. The last update, v2.00, released on December 07, 2016, and it’s rated 3.64 out of 5 based on the latest 61 reviews. Aralon: Forge and Flame costs $4.99 and requires iOS 8.0+ and Android 7 or newer to download.

Aralon: Forge and Flame Gameplay Overview


"That which once was, may yet be again. From ash and sorrow, a hero shall arise, wreathed in shadow, forged in flame. .
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How to Play Aralon: Forge and Flame on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Aralon: Forge and Flame on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.00, 1 GB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

Version: 2.0

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★☆ Good but flawed
It is a good game, with the exception of some bugs, and a rather lackluster story. This is basically Aralon 1.5 with armor and weps not being locked behind classes. A few things bugged me however, aside from well the bugs, why exactly is there no helms? Or at least visible helms? Why do all the character models for male players look like old men despite the fact that they are supposed to be teens? Why do the elven players have digitigrade legs in the menus? It is a fun little game to run around
★★★★☆ It’s a good game
When I was younger I left a bad review for this game, but now taking a second look at it, I think it’s not that bad. I still perfer the original, but this one has better graphics & the skills are a lot easier to use/look better during combat. Even though the story is definitely more bare bones than the original, & they didn’t add enough new skills imo, it’s still worth playing imo.
★★★★★ Loved the first one, trying the second.
Great game, just getting into it
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