BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App is a music app developed by CREATELEX LLC. The latest update (v4.00), released on <em>May 16, 2022</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.46 out of 5 stars based on 26 reviews. BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App costs <em>$9.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App

BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App icon

Genre: Music

Ratings: 3.46

Version: 4.0.9

Updated 16/05/22

Downloads: 56

Make Beats & Music Production

BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App is a music app developed by CREATELEX LLC. The latest update (v4.00), released on May 16, 2022, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.46 out of 5 stars based on 26 reviews. BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App costs $9.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 11.0+ and Android 10 or newer.

What is BeatMakerHD2 app?

App Description

We are excited to release this App. Music Industries Top Mastered Producers Sequencers DrumMachine, Easily Create and record Your Beats using BeatMakerHD2
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App available in other languages

Download BeatMakerHD2 for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy BeatMakerHD2 - Beat Maker App on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (4.00), which requires 27 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the BeatMakerHD2 app, visit our forums.

Reviews on BeatMakerHD2 for iOS

★★★★★ ProducerLaz2628
I did a extremely great production on the app and heard you are doing producers spotlight too. The app is solid..
★★★★★ Download it
After further reviewing this app I wasn't sure but after using this apps. It's officially one of my favorite apps to create beats with. I noticed a few people asking if this app was good to use. I also noticed that I can also add my own sounds effectively via email which was a plus. It's dope. Producer mazurka1$
★★★★★ 👍
Just got the app and was able to put together a beat. I will be using BeatMakerHD 2 for now. I'm hooked
★★★★★ AudioBus too
I didn't know that the app supported audiobus until I seen a friend connecting both apps together. It was really great to add that to the app. I love the look of the app and it works easily with programming drums. Can't wait to see the next update too.
★★★★★ Lit😎👍👍
After I downloaded the app it was really easy to give right into creating , however , I noticed it has more sounds in the sound bank tap in which I wasn't aware of. This helped tremendously in adding sounds to my banks and allow over 32 custom sounds in my beats. I emailed them and they help me out, FYI they also said they have a major update with some cool features. I lie this app because its easy to use and not complicated like some other apps 😎
Read all reviews

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