BirthdaysPro HD is a social networking application developed by Demodit GmbH, available for download on the iOS App Store and Android Play Store. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12+, and requires 22 MB of free space for installation of the IPA (iOS) or APK (Android) file.

BirthdaysPro HD

BirthdaysPro HD icon

Genre: Social Networking

Ratings: 4.62

Version: 12.0.2

Updated 12/03/24

Downloads: 230

Birthday list and reminder

BirthdaysPro HD is a social networking application developed by Demodit GmbH, available for download on the iOS App Store and Android Play Store. The app is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and Android 12+, and requires 22 MB of free space for installation of the IPA (iOS) or APK (Android) file.

Video of BirthdaysPro HD

Birthdayspro birthday list and reminder app [mac] basic overview - mac app store

What is BirthdaysPro HD app?

BirthdaysPro is the ultimate birthday organizer that makes every special day a treasured and unforgettable experience.
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How to Download BirthdaysPro HD on PC

Ready to enjoy BirthdaysPro HD on a bigger screen? Whether you're on Windows 10, Windows 11, or macOS, we've made it easy. Follow our guide to easily download and run the APK using Bluestacks. For assistance with downloading or installing APK files, our forums are here to help.

Reviews on BirthdaysPro HD for iOS

★★★☆☆ Group Titles
I recently downloaded Birthday Pro to keep better track of my family birthdays. I like many of the features for displaying birthdays in a list format and automatically groups birthdays in same month. I do have one issue with one feature that I have not been able to figure out and that is grouping the birthdays by family’s last name that gets display to the far right of the person name. I don’t know how to add this information.
★★★★★ Excellent!
Does just what it’s supposed to do.
★★★★★ Awesome simple app
It’s so amazing and un obstructive. It just works! I recommend it for everyone. Look no further.
★★★★★ Great organizer
Super app, I have a LOT of birthdays to keep up with and this has not let me down. Very easy to use, well, organized and I don’t know what I’d do without it. My thanks to the creator for it.
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