BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ is a lifestyle app developed by EUIHYUNG JUNG. The latest update (v3.10), released on <em>May 24, 2023</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.55 out of 5 stars based on 20 reviews. BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.1+ and Android 13.1 or newer.

BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ

BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ icon

Genre: Lifestyle

Ratings: 4.55

Version: 3.1

Updated 24/05/23

Downloads: 248

10000 Steps a Day : Pedometer

BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ is a lifestyle app developed by EUIHYUNG JUNG. The latest update (v3.10), released on May 24, 2023, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.55 out of 5 stars based on 20 reviews. BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.1+ and Android 13.1 or newer.

What is BWP app?

App Description

Shall we walk togerther?? Let's challenge to walk 10,000 steps a day with a Try 10,000 steps a day with Tom. Steady walking exercise is a good medicine for body and mind.
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Download BWP for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy BWP - Bear Walking Pal ʕ·.· ʔ on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (3.10), which requires 19 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the BWP app, visit our forums.

Reviews on BWP for iOS

★★★★★ The bear is a nice reminder to get moving!
OK, so this app just tracks how many steps you have taken. But seeing that bear walking always brings a smile to my face. This is a great example of an app keeping it simple, while being very effective and enjoyable.
★★★★★ Hey Dev Honey…
Super app! You think that,maybe, you could develop this for my Apple Watch,please? I’m sure many would greatly appreciate it! Thanks much! 😘
★★★☆☆ Love the simplistic design and UI, but the counter is not accurate.
The design an interface are great! However… I’ve been using this app for about a week now, and had noticed that my step count seemed low. I took a screenshot of my current step count on the app, walked 40 steps then re-opened the app giving it time to update. It had only counted 4 steps- I’m not sure why the count throughout the day is inaccurate because the daily log correlates with the data provided on the Health app. Overall, a cute widget and easy to use app, but I’ll just glance at my Apple
★★★★★ Cute walking our but would like more
I originally left a 1 star review after feeling that I was misled on the purchase. I changed it to 5 stars after verifying that I was not charged. Overall, the walking app is cute, but would like it to be a little more interactive. The step count is off and doesn’t match anywhere close to my actual steps.
★★★★★ Great app now…
…that the steps counter has been fixed to display steps for the current day. Now I can replace my Fitbit Zip. Upping to 5 Stars. Thanks for the fix.
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