Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking Version History

Gamegos Teknoloji A.S.

Delve into the extensive archive of Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 9 version histories collected since Sep 13, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking.

More Information
  • Package Name
  • Content Rating
  • Languages
    English (10) See all
  • Initial release

What's New in the Latest Version 2.30.7

Thanks for updating!
- NEXT SPECIAL EVENT: Oktoberfest! Starting at the 16th of September 2024!
- Visual improvements
- Various other bugfixes and performance improvements

Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.30.7
Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.11.1
Thanks for updating! - SPECIAL EVENT: Winter is Here!
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.3.16
Thanks for updating! - New Career Ranks!
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.2.86
Thanks for updating! - SPECIAL EVENT: Cozy & Rosy!
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.2.44
Thanks for updating! - SPECIAL EVENT: Back To School!
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.2.22
Thanks for updating! - SPECIAL EVENT: Fairy Tale - The Story of Eva and the Frog! - Fixed some issues some players encountered while getting the Golden Ticket - Visual improvements - Various bugfixes
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.1.85
Thanks for updating! - Fixed an issue where the game would start in the wrong language - Various bugfixes and performance improvements
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.1.71
Thank you for updating your game! Here's what's new: - Fixed a visual bug where it looked like players were getting wrong number of special event tokens when they claimed tournament and challenge rewards - Visual improvements
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.1.45
Thanks for updating! - Dishes can now be added to your "favorites" and can be sorted by your favorites - Eva sends daily gifts now! Hurray!
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Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking v2.1.27
Thank you for updating your game! Here are what we added: -Bugfix: Daily gifts and visiting now resets correctly -Bugfix: Tournament tasks are now assigned correctly
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Cafeland - Restaurant Cooking forum.