Candor - Simplify Change is a news app developed by Candor. The last update, v1.00, released on July 01, 2024, and it’s rated 4.74 out of 5 based on the latest 31 reviews. Candor - Simplify Change is FREE and requires iOS 12.4+ and Android 11.4 or newer to download.
Empowering Local Democracy
Candor: Elevate Your Organizational Experience
Candor enhances your interactions within hierarchical organizations, be it governments, communities, or events.
Want to enjoy Candor - Simplify Change on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.00, 27 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing, feel free to visit our forums!
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User Reviews and Ratings
The app is not optimized for iPadOS or MacOS.
The app mentions coins, points, and leadership points but doesn’t explain them.
The topic of sending monetary support is unclear. Why should I be giving money to Student Body Representatives? They serve us. They should just do the job that they wanted.
The app isn’t dynamic in covering different types of legislation and the differing processes that these take.
★★★★★Great app
I like the usability of this app and I feel like I can really make a change in my community!
★★★★☆Has the potential to be extremely useful!
I’m excited to see how DHS is able to incorporate this in they’re cycle of student feed back.
I would like to see a feature that includes tags to help organize topics and help the governing body more easily prioritize and address issues.
(A user survey for both students and sga members could help in determining those categories)
★★★★★Great App!
Great app!! I wish this app existed when I went to the University of Florida.