Clay Hunt START is a simulation sports game developed by Shotgun Gaming Oy. The last update, v1.30, released on April 24, 2024, and it’s rated 4.30 out of 5 based on the latest 151 reviews. Clay Hunt START is FREE and requires iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer to download.
#1 Shotgun Shooting Simulator
Clay Hunt START Gameplay Overview
Bust clays in trap, skeet and sporting clays & go hunt pigeons! Get the complete Clay Hunt PRO - #1 shotgun shooting simulator in the App Store or get started with Clay Hunt START for free!
Want to enjoy Clay Hunt START on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.30, 189 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
My name is Tanner, I am a 3 time Texas state trap team captain and 1x national trap champion I would just like to say I love the realism of this game, how you can change out your chokes and change how you view down sights along with how you can change your point of impact very impressive and realistic game of what trap is actually like!
★★★★☆As a shooter
This game is awesome! I love the fact that you can shoot all three events! That is super cool. Sadly though I noticed there wasn’t American trap. This would be an awesome edition to the game. Irl I have shot all across the southeast and acheived multiple podium positions and would like to honestly say that this game is great
★★☆☆☆exotic shooter
id like it better if you didn’t have to hold the gun we’re you have to shoot and just hold in on the side instead of having to drag your finger on the gun it’s self
This game is awesome! Although it needs an option where you can go up against other people in each game mode. Wish the trap mode had just one trap house and you moved across 5 stations like the real thing!
★★★☆☆Like it But
I think the targets are too fast. Am playing it on an iPad , the small screen makes it more challenging.Also there seems to be no allowance for your pattern to break the clay. You have to shoot right at the clay.
Is the paid version more realistic? What is different in the paid version!