CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo is a sports app developed by CoachMyVideocom. The latest update (v5.00), released on <em>September 12, 2017</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.13 out of 5 stars based on 46 reviews. CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo costs <em>$6.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 7.0+ and Android 6 or newer.

CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo

CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo icon

Genre: Sports

Ratings: 4.13

Version: 5.0

Updated 12/09/17

Downloads: 278

CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo is a sports app developed by CoachMyVideocom. The latest update (v5.00), released on September 12, 2017, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.13 out of 5 stars based on 46 reviews. CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo costs $6.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 7.0+ and Android 6 or newer.

What is CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis app?

App Description

CoachMyVideo's Pro Version: Ultra-Zoom+, Slo-mo 60/120/240 FPS* high-speed video capture & frame-by-frame playback, Email+ full-quality HD video-sharing, AirPlay HDTV mirroring and remote control from any Bluetooth connected headset/remote -- for anyone demanding Professional-Grade Video Analysis tools that area also EASY.
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App available in other languages

Download CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis - CoachMyVideo on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (5.00), which requires 16 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis app, visit our forums.

Reviews on CMV Pro: Frame-Frame Video Analysis for iOS

★★★★★ Still my favorite tool
I like the individual tapping and frame-level editing and rotation features.
★★★★★ I Love CoachMyVideo
CoachMyVideo is the greatest application ever invented. This app is incredibly useful in physics classes to take videos, analyze them, and find statistics to complete calculations. My favorite feature is the ability to view a video in super slo-mo. I am forever thankful to the creator of this wonderful application for changing my life and education with CoachMyVideo.
★★★★★ Awesome app
Awesome app with an awesome creator who made it free to download for students across physics classes everywhere!
★★☆☆☆ Any updates?
It has been a year since v5. What are the plans for CMV? Had to drop a star because the developer seems to have stopped working on the product. There is a big bug where the app never sees video that is Apple synced from one device to another. Take a video on your phone then let it sync to your iPad through the photo app. Then on your iPad play the video in Photos. Then open CMV on your iPad and you can’t find the video.
★★★★★ great
such a great app, great to use for science or sports. 5/5
Read all reviews

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