Color Bubble - Ball Sort Puz is a casual puzzle game developed by Topsmart Mobile. The last update, v1.40, released on September 10, 2024, and it’s rated 4.00 out of 5 based on the latest 893 reviews. Color Bubble - Ball Sort Puz is FREE and requires iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer to download.
Release stress & Have fun
Color Bubble Gameplay Overview
Color Bubble - Ball Sort Puzzle is an interesting color ball sorting game. While playing this game, you can not only relax and relieve stress, but also exercise your brain.
Want to enjoy Color Bubble - Ball Sort Puz on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.40, 303 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
Sad you insist I update to your “new version”
And after playing his hundreds of times —I now have to start from the beginning level.
I was wondering why I had deleted this before looks like I may have to do it again. The game is nice, but don’t make me start all over again.
★★★☆☆Love the game. Hate the ads
This is a fun game. My issue is with Royal Match ads. I have to watch 3 to 4 in a row to get my tube to extend. Sometimes it never does. I paid for no ads now the problem is worse? Please fix! It plays the 30 second ad and then I get a message that says “No Ad Loaded”. I have already watch the ad. So I have to do the 3 or 4 more times. Fix these ads. Again it’s Royal Match ads. The fun game is becoming a pain to play. I truly love this ball sort game.
★★☆☆☆SO MANY ADS!!!!
It's fun but it is really hard to enjoy a game when every other level-literally. There is a 60+ second ad. I got to level 23 and now I'm deleting it.
Creators ruin these games for people by allowing all these stupid ads to run so often. So annoying.
★★★☆☆Too many ads-want money back
It’s so enjoyable that I decided to go “ad free” and paid. So imagine my surprise when I clicked for an extra tube and was shown an ad! I want my money back and will quit using this game. Just gotta figure out how😣
★★☆☆☆Eventually, it’s Too hard for 4 year olds
Got it to play with my grandkids. After a while all the ads became very frustrating and stopped being fun…