Creative Whack Pack is a business app developed by Creative Think. The latest update (v7.10), released on <em>January 22, 2018</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.87 out of 5 stars based on 210 reviews. Creative Whack Pack costs <em>$1.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 10.1+ and Android 9.1 or newer.

Creative Whack Pack

Creative Whack Pack icon

Genre: Business

Ratings: 4.87

Version: 7.1

Updated 22/01/18

Downloads: 421

Creative Whack Pack is a business app developed by Creative Think. The latest update (v7.10), released on January 22, 2018, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.87 out of 5 stars based on 210 reviews. Creative Whack Pack costs $1.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 10.1+ and Android 9.1 or newer.

What is Creative Whack Pack app?

The Creative Whack Pack's 84 interactive creativity strategies stimulate you to think creatively. • "The most impressive brainstorming tool in the App Store, hands down." —Innovation Tools • The iPhone/iPad Universal App has 20 NEW CARDS (the Heraclitus suit)!
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Download Creative Whack Pack for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Creative Whack Pack on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (7.10), which requires 59 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Creative Whack Pack app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Creative Whack Pack for iOS

★★★★★ Since the first iPhone
This is one of the first apps I found on the appstore with my first iPhone. When I first got it, I used it every day for a couple weeks and then sparsely sporadically using it at all. I’m probably the oldest millennial from Detroit that uses it as a tool, or uses it at all. It’s great for those professionally dark moments, it’s ever better for those out of idea moments. It strikes the heart of a creative, warms the mind of an engineer, and tickles the thoughts of a logic. I’m gracious that the a
★★★★★ Great Firestarter
I have purchased some of Roger’s books and a cassette program and a physical Whack Pack. Roger’s program is a great way to step back from a problem or opportunity to look at it from many different perspectives. Sometimes I forget about it, but what a missed opportunity! Bravo Roger!
★★★★☆ Always on Target
On Time On Budget
★★★★★ Love the Creative Whack Pack !
I use the Creative Whack Pack for quite a few things . Problem solving instead of over thinking and stinkin thinkin. From just fun to serious creative thinking. I started with this app a long time ago when it was a disc 3 1/2”. I guess it was in the 90s. I recommend the app to everyone. Love it . Thank you !
★★★★★ Love this!!!!
I took a Creative Thinking class years ago. The ‘Whack’ book and related book was our guide. Then I bought the Creative Whack Pack. I recently found this app. I love it. If my journaling is blocked, I journal about whatever the card triggers. Fabulous app.
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