Dislyte Version History

Farlight Games

Delve into the extensive archive of Dislyte APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 4 version histories collected since Sep 14, 2024. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Dislyte.

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    English (13) See all
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What's New in the Latest Version

New Features

1. Temporal Tower has been upgraded and a Hard mode has been added.
◇ After clearing 50F on Normal, Hard mode will unlock, containing a total of 50 floors.
◇ In Hard mode, you must select a challenge formation and can only deploy Espers that meet the formation's requirements.
◇ You can switch challenge formations, but challenge records will be saved independently for each formation. As a result, your current floor may change after switching.
◇ Rewards for clearing each floor can only be claimed once. You cannot claim rewards again after switching formations.
◇ When each challenge formation clears the highest floor on Hard mode for the first time, a clearance reward will be granted for that formation. (This reward can only be claimed once and does not refresh monthly.)

2. Paths of Experience and Emblem of Expertise will be unlocked for Ossana (Xipe Totec).

Dislyte APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Dislyte. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Dislyte v3.4.11.01
Dislyte v3.3.7.01
New Features 1. Added Event Backtrack 2. Added draw records, allowing players to view the 500 most recent records.
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Dislyte v3.3.0.02
New Features 1. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Lian (Jiao Tu) after she is max level/ascended/resonated. 2.
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Dislyte v3.2.0.02
New Features 1. Added the Divine Synthesis Pod.
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Dislyte v3.1.3.01
New Features 1. Added Sentinel Hunt: 2.
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Dislyte forum.