Don't Starve: Pocket Edition is an adventure game developed by Klei. The last update, v1.47, released on June 29, 2022, and it’s rated 4.51 out of 5 based on the latest 3.1K reviews. Don't Starve: Pocket Edition costs $4.99 and requires iOS 13.0+ and Android 12 or newer to download.
Don't Starve: Pocket Edition Gameplay Overview
***NOTE: Don't Starve requires iOS 8 and at least an iPhone 5, iPad 3, or iPad mini 2. Due to memory constraints, it will not run on older devices.***
Don’t Starve: Pocket Edition, brings the hit PC game enjoyed by over 4 million players to the iPhone and iPad.
How to Play Don't Starve: Pocket Edition on PC or Mac
Want to enjoy Don't Starve: Pocket Edition on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.47, 1 GB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!
I wish the game can add multiplayer on this app too, it will be lots of fun
★★★★☆What I think should be in the game🤗
Games amazing love the characters designs advantages everything, but this one thing I was very concerned why iOS doesn’t have multiplayer why does iOS does not have multiplayer that’s what gets me concerned and I think enjoy the game a little more if we can play with other people like how are you gonna survive in a big world by yourself or you just like to play by yourself in general I’m not judging anybody for that so I think we should have multiplayer and stuff that’s all I to say about don’t
★★★☆☆I like it BUT PLS FIX THIS
I love playing this game while watching jakeyosuarus for tips but OMG IS THIS LAGGY AND NOT WHEN I NEED IT AT ALL. RIGHT AS IM BOUTA SAVE, IT LAGS, THEN KICKS ME OUT AND I HAVE TO RESET THE DAY
As an update, I feel like there should be an option to use a button to change camera perspective and sometimes when I am using my fingers, I can’t change perspective
★★★☆☆Needs an update
On a new iPad Air (m2), I get “unsupported device detected” and the game is put in “compatibility mode” for older devices… it works, but it looks like it is using low res textures. Hopefully this game hasn't been abandoned by the developer.