Drag Racing: Streets Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Drag Racing: Streets APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Aug 26, 2021. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Drag Racing: Streets.

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What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.8

* C-Corvette C6 Z06 is in the game!
* New tools in “paint n spray”: moving layers and scaling decals by axis
* New decals in “lines” and “shapes”
* April Fools' crate removed from the market
* Changed the calculation of prices on the market for some products
* Added buying restrictions on the livery market: 20th lvl or premium.
* Improved filters on the livery market

Drag Racing: Streets APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Drag Racing: Streets. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Drag Racing: Streets v3.1.8
Drag Racing: Streets v3.2.0
* Configurator is added! * New currency - laurels * New mode on the Livery Market - "Random Selection" * Added Editors' Choice label to the Livery Market * There is an archive of purchased liveries
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Drag Racing: Streets v3.0.3
* Victories and defeats statistics of autopilot in the championship were added * Some cars were moved from the Tournament car market to the car dealership * Prices for some cars has been changed * Added B-Electra 225 Sport Coupage 1970 * New design of the Police
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Drag Racing: Streets v2.8.9
- Autumn contract from September 1st - New car in the autumn contract S-Forester - Reworked daily rewards - Graphic improvements - Added new tasks for experience
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Drag Racing: Streets v2.7.5
* Workshop added to the game * Added car keys * Added the ability to sell car keys in the market * Improved inventory * The box "New Year's hundred" has been removed from the market
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Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.28
* Increased boss battle reward<br> * Graphic enhancements<br> * Bug fix
Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.27
1. Available new races "Team Bosses" 2. A new class of "Universal" [L] has been added - L-2103 and L-2104 cars will be transferred to it 3.
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Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.26
* Superchargers and a new branch of improvements for the Turbo section have been added to the game. * Reworked side mufflers * Fix minor bugs
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Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.25
1. Japanese license plates are added to the game 2.
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Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.21
* Added new traffic lanes * New track in the tests "forest" * Fixed bugs * Graphic improvements
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Drag Racing: Streets v1.1.20
Added overall rating of teams, now teams get weekly awards Separated team top and top players Brought the B-M5 e60 to a car dealership and a tournament car dealership Improved bot behavior Graphic improvements
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Drag Racing: Streets forum.