DragTimes.com is a sports app developed by VSS LLC. The last update, v1.10, released on October 10, 2014, and it’s rated 2.40 out of 5 based on the latest 5 reviews. DragTimes.com costs $1.99 and requires iOS 7.0+ and Android 6 or newer to download.
The DragTimes application for iPhone, iPod, and iPad - The density altitude calculator will obtain the current weather data for your location and calculate the DA for you instantly.
Want to enjoy DragTimes.com on your desktop? Download the latest APK (1.10, 2 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing, feel free to visit our forums!
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User Reviews and Ratings
★★★★★Finally the perfect Drag racing App
If you need a DA calculator this is the AP ! Has a ton of useful tools !
No more going online and having to pit all the info to get your current DA . Once touch bam :)
★★★☆☆Needs to fetch data from a closer location...
Cool app but the DA calculator doesn't allow the user to choose what weather station supplies the data for the calculation.
At my home, it's choosing a station 15-20 miles away when there is one much closer. It even shows the station by default in the weather section. I hope they update this to make it more useful for your current position...
Data is useless at the track if it comes from 15-20 miles away...
★★★★★Very cool app
This App is a must have for anyone going to the track or wants to quickly lookup or browse thousands of pictures, timeslips and videos on their iPhone.
★★★★☆Useful, but missing a key feature
This is very useful for finding your DAs. The key lacking feature is saving your track and date info, it's very annoying having to re enter the info every time when trying to find a DA in the past.
★★★★☆Needs update
I have an iPhone 5 and the screen is not formatted for larger screen. Great app, just needs some tweaks.