
Published by 多智 吴 on Dec 13, 2018
DrawTextPath icon

Genre: Photo & Video

Ratings: 4.42

Version: 2.3

Updated: Jan 01, 2021

Downloads: 496

DrawTextPath is a photo & video app developed by 多智 吴. The last update, v2.30, released on January 01, 2021, and it’s rated 4.42 out of 5 based on the latest 76 reviews. DrawTextPath costs $1.99 and requires iOS 10.0+ and Android 9 or newer to download.

Make text video

Video: DrawTextPath Overview


DrawTextPath can help you quickly generate text path tracing animation video with one click. We often see in the video text edge animation, which is the kind of animation effect video as if the text is written by someone with a pen stroke by stroke.
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How to Use DrawTextPath on Your PC or Mac

Want to enjoy DrawTextPath on your desktop? Download the latest APK (2.30, 79 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★☆☆ Poor support for Chinese fonts and ipad
add a Chinese brush
★★★★★ greate
Thank you for new update. i cant still using my Arabic text righting. i can use Arabic Fonts and text , but in Arabic we write frome right to left. Now when i try to withe a Arabic word , pen animated drawing from left to right. we need moving and starting pen , from right to left. thank you.
★★★★☆ arabic
I wish the writing was full after drawing the pen in the same way as Videoscribe
★★★★★ For Arabic
Hi sir it is a very nice app. In the next update. Id like to add writing Arabic from right to left.
★★★★★ تقييم ومراجعة
التطبيق رائع وبسيط وعملي وفكرته جميلة ومحتواه المختلف أجمل عندي ملاحظة ممكن تتحول إلى فكرة تضاف في التطبيق وتصبح أجمل وأجمل الخط شكله واحد، بمعنى إن الخط لمن يكتب نوعه يختلف وحتى حجمه، لكن شكله واحد (يعني حروفه عند الكتابة مفرغه) أقترح يكون في خيار آخر يكون الحرف فيه غير مفرغ، نفس الحرف العادي كما أكتب أنا فالحرف غير مفرغ يعني مش كأنك تكتب بقلمين أرجو الفكرة وصلت
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