Drum byMT play real instrument is an entertainment music game developed by MUSIC TREND APPS. The latest update (v1.80), released on <em>October 28, 2019</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.93 out of 5 stars based on 14 reviews. Drum byMT play real instrument is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 10.0+ and Android 9 or newer.

Drum byMT play real instrument

Drum byMT play real instrument icon

Genre: Entertainment

Ratings: 2.93

Version: 1.8

Updated 28/10/19

Downloads: 42

Drums instrumental music maker

Drum byMT play real instrument is an entertainment music game developed by MUSIC TREND APPS. The latest update (v1.80), released on October 28, 2019, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 2.93 out of 5 stars based on 14 reviews. Drum byMT play real instrument is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 10.0+ and Android 9 or newer.

What is Drum byMT play real instrument app?

Picture yourself a great drummer in a hot rock band with “Drum byMT play real instrument”! Meet a drum kit simulator that completely replaces the real thing for you.
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Promo Codes and In-App Purchases

Currently, there are no promo codes available. However, you can still get cool items like the '1 month + 3 trial days' ($17.99), '1 week' ($7.49), '6 months' ($36.99), and more through in-app purchases.

App available in other languages

Download Drum byMT play real instrument for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Drum byMT play real instrument on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.80), which requires 91 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Drum byMT play real instrument app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Drum byMT play real instrument for iOS

★★★★★ Enjoy playing drums without ads!
Well, how about enjoy playing drums without this app trying to make you accept the special offer INSTEAD! I’ve played this before, and now you’re attempting to FORCE me into paying the special offer instead of letting me PLAY! PLEASE, just let me play!
★★★★☆ Not even letting me in
First it won’t let me in because it keeps kicking me out every 5 seconds
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