Dysphagia is a medical app developed by Northern Speech Services. The latest update (v2.30), released on <em>October 09, 2021</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.57 out of 5 stars based on 14 reviews. Dysphagia costs <em>$9.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.1+ and Android 13.1 or newer.


Dysphagia icon

Genre: Medical

Ratings: 3.57

Version: 2.3

Updated 09/10/21

Downloads: 267

Swallow Impairment Animations

Dysphagia is a medical app developed by Northern Speech Services. The latest update (v2.30), released on October 09, 2021, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 3.57 out of 5 stars based on 14 reviews. Dysphagia costs $9.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.1+ and Android 13.1 or newer.

What is Dysphagia app?

Excellent visual tool to aid professionals in educating patients and families about swallowing disorders.
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Download Dysphagia for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Dysphagia on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (2.30), which requires 282 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Dysphagia app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Dysphagia for iOS

★★★★★ Ideal for Education
This app is ideal for the education of patients, families and staff. The ability to show the normal swallow and then show the disordered swallow at a slower rate and pause is an asset to my education process. I hope that NSS and the MBSImP teams continue to develop this app.
★★★★☆ Normal swallow app included
Great app! Would be helpful to provide descriptions for phases, etc. This app includes the "normal swallow" app so no need to purchase both.
★★★★★ Great teaching tool!
As an SLP, I have mainly used my iPad for the pediatric clinic work that I do. But when I saw this app I realized my adult home health clients would benefit from this. I have used it with all my adult dysphagia clients. The feedback that I'm getting from both patients and caregivers is that they appreciate the teaching ...showing them what a swallow looks like and what aspiration really means. So glad I bought this app.
★★★★★ Perfect
I use this for dysphasia patients before and after they go for a modified barium swallow study. Imagine trying to explain how the epiglottis works and it's function in swallowing. With this app you can show them and they understand this immediately it is clearer than the actual VF and this should be a required tool for all grad students. This is my favorite and most used app.
★★★★☆ Useful app for students & patients
Great app for illustrating the swallow as seen during the VFSS. But it'd be an even better app if the structures were labeled.
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