EasySing by StarMaker is a music app developed by SKYWORK AI PTE. The latest update (v1.80), released on <em>April 15, 2024</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.71 out of 5 stars based on 460 reviews. EasySing by StarMaker is <em>FREE</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.

EasySing by StarMaker

EasySing by StarMaker icon

Genre: Music

Ratings: 4.71

Version: 1.8.1

Updated 15/04/24

Downloads: 312

A Simply Way to Sing Karaoke

EasySing by StarMaker is a music app developed by SKYWORK AI PTE. The latest update (v1.80), released on April 15, 2024, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.71 out of 5 stars based on 460 reviews. EasySing by StarMaker is FREE to download. The app is compatible with iOS 14.0+ and Android 13 or newer.

What is EasySing by StarMaker app?

Easy Sing, take your singing to the next level and also give the ultimate karaoke experience. Improve your singing with any songs you like in a more interesting and easy way.
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Promo Codes and In-App Purchases

Currently, there are no promo codes available. However, you can still get cool items like the 'VIP All Access Pass' ($29.99), and more through in-app purchases.

Download EasySing by StarMaker for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy EasySing by StarMaker on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.80), which requires 131 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the EasySing by StarMaker app, visit our forums.

Reviews on EasySing by StarMaker for iOS

★★★★★ A great up and coming app!
This app has a lot of good features to improve your singing! They are still working to improve it day by day! It’s very fun, and simple to use.
★★★★★ Best app ever
It’s the best app ever because I was a very bad singer. I did not know the lyrics and until I actually downloaded it there’s lyrics and it tells you when you’re on pitch and I made me such a good singer. You need to get it right now.
★★★★★ Nice things about one of your people that rated you five stars
I like this app very very much, but I’m thinking that you could add something you could add like games for singing like you should add like a game where you could sing though you have to sing for the letters or you have to catch the notes and you should add notes in like piano stuff in it and if you can thank youyou’re welcome for the tutorial thing for telling you thank you for eating it and your welcome to text me the response back
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