Eight-Minute Empire Version History

Acram Digital

Delve into the extensive archive of Eight-Minute Empire APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 9 version histories collected since Jan 16, 2023. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Eight-Minute Empire.

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What's New in the Latest Version 1.3.4

Improved communication with other platforms.
Added iOS 14.5 user privacy compatibility - we will continue NOT to use your data for anything other than game improvement and marketing targeting of products similar to the ones you're interested in (aka our other games), and we will never show you adds in-game - and you'll be asked to agree to as much.Updated the communication with other platforms.

Eight-Minute Empire APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Eight-Minute Empire. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Eight-Minute Empire v1.3.4
Eight-Minute Empire v1.3.3
Improved text boxes (chat, name, etc.)
Eight-Minute Empire v1.3.2
Added sign in with Apple option for online multiplayer.
Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.11
Fixed the log-in via Facebook issue.
Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.9
Fixed the issue with logging in via Facebook on iOS 13.
Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.6
Following the big multiplayer overhaul of the patch 1.2.5 we introduce following, smaller fixes: - A rare issue of the game crashing during bidding stage in Online play was fixed.
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Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.5
Eight-Minute Empire August 2019 Update - Online Play Overhaul Good news! Per popular demand, we introduce a rework to the Online Play in Eight-Minute Empire!
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Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.4
Added the version number to the main menu.<br> The game will check if it needs an update for the Online Play.
Eight-Minute Empire v1.2.3
Mountain Expansion: Additional Victory Point marker is displayed properly when game loads.

If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Eight-Minute Empire forum.