Empty School Simulator

Published by VNL Entertainment Ltd. on May 06, 2021
Empty School Simulator icon

Genre: Simulation

Ratings: 4.46

Version: 9.800

Updated: May 06, 2021

Downloads: 444

Empty School Simulator is a simulation game developed by VNL Entertainment. The last update, v9.80, released on May 06, 2021, and it’s rated 4.46 out of 5 based on the latest 79 reviews. Empty School Simulator costs $4.99 and requires iOS 9.0+ and Android 8 or newer to download.

Empty School Simulator Gameplay Overview


Based on a very classic fantacy where you can walk around an empty school without being bullied. You can even run around and enjoy the silence of not needing to run into any teachers because the school is empty.
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How to Play Empty School Simulator on PC or Mac

Want to enjoy Empty School Simulator on your desktop? Download the latest APK (9.80, 250 MB) or choose your preferred version, and follow our Bluestacks emulator guide for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For any assistance with downloading or installing APK files, feel free to visit our forums!

User Reviews and Ratings

★★★★☆ Dear vnl
Can you please share some vips, there a lot of new players coming to the game wishing they have resources like vips,armor,level. We have LOTS OF PLAYERS coming in thats new or OG 2012-2015. An we want to start marketing off each other and stuff. So please vnl can you jus give out vips again to 4 players, like you did last time. We SWEAR we are going to share vips again like always. Its been over a year an we are extremely poor. WE DONT NEED NO SMUGGLER UPDATES, NO ATM UPDATES, NO IN GAME UPDATE
★★★★★ Love it
Best game SoC classic ever
★★★★★ Good Memories
Brings me back to legacy soc days 🙂
★★★★★ we need an update for the old games! :(
I’ve been a big fan of this games ever since I was a little kid. They have something special that make me feel so well! I love them! But it seems the games haven’t been updated since a few years ago, and we can’t play them in new devices. Please, I ask with all my heart that you update the games just so we can play them in new devices! :(💟
★★★★☆ Password
Playing this game I recently forgot my password, and the forgot password button isn’t working is there anything I can do too recover it? Please
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