Era of Legends - Shadow of War Version History


Delve into the extensive archive of Era of Legends - Shadow of War APK versions, featuring detailed notes and compatibility information for each of the 10 version histories collected since Oct 1, 2021. This page is dedicated to fans looking to explore the evolution of Era of Legends - Shadow of War.

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    English (3) See all
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What's New in the Latest Version 10.0

Here's what's new in Era of Legends 10.0:
- Demon Hunter class
- New Familiars
- "Dragon Prison" guild dungeon
- "Elven Mirror" area
- "Boss Tournament" PvP arena mode
- New story and reputation quests
- Improved class balance
- New cosmetic items and effects
Begin your own history in Era of Legends!

Era of Legends - Shadow of War APK Version History

Below is a list of APK file versions for Era of Legends - Shadow of War. Please note that download links for each version might not be available, or only accessible after the developer's approval.

Era of Legends - Shadow of War v10.0
Era of Legends - Shadow of War v9.0.3
Here's what's new in Era of Legends 9.0: 1. Max level limit has been raised to level 100.
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v9.0.0
Here's what's new in Era of Legends 9.0: 1. Max level limit has been raised to level 100.
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v8.0.0
Here's what's new in Era of Legends 8.0: 1. New ranged combat class – Forest Child. Wield the powers of Nature!
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v6.0.0
What's new in 6.0: * New class: Dark Knight * Familiar Fusion: boost your familiars' power to the max! * 1 year anniversary festive events * New dungeon for level 80 characters
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v3.0.1
What's new in Era of Legends, version 3.0.1: — Increased stability; — Improved localization of in-game descriptions.
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v3.0.0
What's new in Era of Legends 3.0: — New class: Paladin; — Level cap increased to 70; — New story quests, dungeons and raid.
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v2.1.2
Here's what's new in 2.1.2: - Improved authorization and account management; - Enhanced built-in technical support functionality; - Updated localization and bug fixes.
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v2.1.1
Era of Legends 2.0 — what's new: - Evolving function: сlasses of same type can be evolved to each other - Character deletion feature - Lots of high-end content for experienced players - Plenty of new maps, NPC and quests
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Era of Legends - Shadow of War v2.0.0
Era of Legends 2.0 — what's new: - Evolving function: сlasses of same type can be evolved to each other - Character deletion feature - Lots of high-end content for experienced players - Plenty of new maps, NPC and quests
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If you need help downloading specific version APK files, visit the Era of Legends - Shadow of War forum.