Favorite Contacts! is a utility app developed by Think Code Release. The latest update (v1.60), released on <em>December 16, 2017</em>, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.50 out of 5 stars based on 236 reviews. Favorite Contacts! costs <em>$2.99</em> to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.1+ and Android 8.1 or newer.

Favorite Contacts!

Favorite Contacts! icon

Genre: Utilities

Ratings: 4.50

Version: 1.6

Updated 16/12/17

Downloads: 110

Family & Friends At Hand

Favorite Contacts! is a utility app developed by Think Code Release. The latest update (v1.60), released on December 16, 2017, includes fixes and new features, and has been rated 4.50 out of 5 stars based on 236 reviews. Favorite Contacts! costs $2.99 to download. The app is compatible with iOS 9.1+ and Android 8.1 or newer.

What is Favorite Contacts! app?

We all have many contacts in our phones, but who do you actually contact regularly? Surely only family and friends.
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App available in other languages

Download Favorite Contacts! for PC/Mac

Ready to enjoy Favorite Contacts! on your PC or Mac? Download the latest APK file version (1.60), which requires 29 MB of free space. Follow our guide using the recommended emulator, Bluestacks, for easy installation on Windows or macOS. For help downloading or installing the Favorite Contacts! app, visit our forums.

Reviews on Favorite Contacts! for iOS

★★★★☆ Too many taps
Love the app - but once a person is selected you have to tap 3 to 4 times to finally make the call.
★★☆☆☆ Bad App
This is a terrible App - I want my money back. The app gets stuck when I click on a contact and can't go back to home or back. When I deleted it and reloaded, I had to add all contacts again - Do not purchase
★★★★★ Simple, useful and stylish
The app is already very useful as it is but I want services like Snapchat, LinkedIn and Tumblr added to.
★★★★★ Great app
Makes keeping track of my contacts so easy. Love it
★★★★★ contacts app
great app for my needs; easy to set up, easy to edit, easier than ever using pic iden of contacts so I can contact them just by facial recognition if I want. great app for my needs, I'm glad I have it.
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